View Full Version : Young Love

05-01-2016, 08:10 PM
It's hard to be in a relationship with anxiety until you find the right one who knows how to help you with your anxiety. I love my boyfriend, we've been dating for almost 5 months now and it's one of the realist things I've experienced since I began my journey with anxiety. I'm a senior in high school and he is a sophomore. We both really want this to be a long term relationship but both of us have our qualms of long distance. My college is 3 hours away and I'll be moving as well over the summer. I know it will be easy to visit him, I have family in town that are more than happy to let me spend the night at their house. I'm just scared that the long distance won't work. And in my heart I really think we will work. There's so many benefits to the long distance. We will get to know each other even better since we will talk a lot more over the phone. Our time together will be even better when we haven't seen each other in a while. If we can get through this I believe we could get through anything.

He's going through some really tough stuff with his family right now and I know in the coming months it's not likely to get much better. It's just hard to think about possibly losing my best friend because of college. Anxiety had been controlling my thoughts so much lately. I've been really shaky and tired lately. Senior year is so stressful, especially with theater and band. It's like the directors are trying to use us as much as possible before we graduate and they are relentless. I still have classes to pass in order to graduate and it's just so hard because I honestly am just exhausted with life. I know May is a super busy month and it's going to take a lot out of me. I also know it will be worth it. I'm thankful for my boyfriend for being so supportive of me over these past few months. I know it's bittersweet for the both of us at this point of our lives. I just hope everything will work out the way we are hoping for it to. It's truly in God's hands.