View Full Version : Health anxiety

04-29-2016, 04:14 PM
Does anyone diagnose first, then start seeing symptoms? I do. I am not sure which ones are real, which ones are my brain creating or which ones I feel but caused by a benign cause. It consumes me. Just when I start feel better I take two steps back. It's controlling my life, has been for several weeks! I try to hang in their until my doctor's appointment for some reassurance but don't know how long it will last.

04-29-2016, 05:58 PM
How do you know what to diagnose on your computer if you're not having symptoms? Regardless, don't Google health items. You suffer from anxiety, thats it. We're all nuts, enjoy it :)

04-29-2016, 06:08 PM
How do you know what to diagnose on your computer if you're not having symptoms? Regardless, don't Google health items. You suffer from anxiety, thats it. We're all nuts, enjoy it :)

It first starts some small symptom, I diagnose based on that, then I see more and more symptoms matching the disease. I all ways think that this time I am right. I made the mistake of reading Ovarian cancer stories online and after have a good day I am convenced I have it. I know I am a bit young but so are some of these people. I read the stories and am in tears preparing for my experience. I feel so alone because my family gets mad when I search google. I have an appointment in a week and am scared of what he is going to say. I really am afraid of cancer.

04-29-2016, 06:27 PM
Anytime you Google symptoms, you will always get worst case scenarios. I would say you have a better chance of winning the lottery than having ovarian cancer. Learn to control your looking up things on the Net (which we all have done) and the majority of your battle will be won. A perfect example. I am now taking antibiotics for an abscess tooth. One of the side-effects is dark urine. I found myself starting to Google "dark urine" and then realized what I was doing and stopped. You control you!

04-29-2016, 06:41 PM
Anytime you Google symptoms, you will always get worst case scenarios. I would say you have a better chance of winning the lottery than having ovarian cancer. Learn to control your looking up things on the Net (which we all have done) and the majority of your battle will be won. A perfect example. I am now taking antibiotics for an abscess tooth. One of the side-effects is dark urine. I found myself starting to Google "dark urine" and then realized what I was doing and stopped. You control you!

Thanks so much for all ways commenting on my stuff! This forum is the only outlet I get. My family tries to distract me, my co-workers ask what's wrong with me because I am not the same. My best friend tries, God bless her but she just doesn't get it. This is the only place I can go and post what I truly feel and find someone who understands. People think I am doing it for attention but I am not. It's just hard for me, I am truly scared

04-29-2016, 06:56 PM
We all know what you're going through because we are too. We are indeed a special breed of people. Actually, I think we are the strong ones because we survive this stuff. Personally, I am pretty damn proud of all people who are of this ilk.