View Full Version : I am a complete mess need support bowel cancer fear! help!

04-28-2016, 07:49 AM

Ive just had enough now and am getting terrified and depressed af over this last week I had some constipation apr 17 to be exact as I posted on here. Anyway it lasted till sun, mon. I had some lactolose for 2 days and got the majority out I think but.

Ive stopped taking it now but I still feel constipated but what's coming out is soft but I have to strain to get it out , apart from the mornings when Ive woken up in the morning I go and it comes out fine and after breakfast but it's still soft, what's worrying me is that I don't feel empty and It feels like there's harder in there so im terrified incase the harder stool is blocking my colon.

Yesterday I went later in the day and i did two bits of harder pebble but this morning it's back to soft and I can't get out of my head that it's bowel cancer :(
It just feels never ending I'll do a bit then it feels hard and can't get it out etc I also have bad wind on the toilet aswell farting and did have wind in general on Tuesday night.

Ive tried drinking more water fiber etc but it doesn't feel like it's improving. I also keep going at times even though I don't have a massive urge maybe this is my anxiety and making it worse I need to stop doing that, I also need to stop googling! It basically feels like aswell I can't pass bigger bits I can feel bigger in there but it's only passing bits. Edit: just been again and it feels like it's hardened off now when I went to go it feels like bigger is coming out but it breaks off in to narrow pieces so now I'm even more worried :(

I went again i took some lactolose might take it for a while and there's specs of darker borwn, black pieces of the tp when i wipe with the light brown and one of them was sticky and stuck the side of the toilet bowl :(, but after that i had the urge to go again and it's now brown light brown again and just mushy again still feels like there's a harder piece in there that just won't budge

Maybe because I can't calm down it's not going to settle

Could someone pm me so i could have a chat?, this is the most scared I've been in my life ever.

04-28-2016, 11:40 AM
Hi. I feel sorry for you, it must be a terrifying experience. Did you go see a doctor? Maybe he can calm you down.

04-28-2016, 08:15 PM
Bowel cancer at a young age is highly unlikely. You may just have IBS. I would increase your fiber and water intake and that should
make you feel better.

04-28-2016, 08:20 PM
Kirk is right and I am living proof. I have IBS (and GERD) and you described it perfectly. Your stools will always be different (including color) depending on what you eat and your anxiety level. Water is very important. Also, you might want to try a food diary (I do this) and I also eliminated gluten and lactose. I can say it is getting better, except for the times when my anxiety kicks it into gear.

04-28-2016, 10:20 PM
I think keeping a food diary is a good idea sanfranlarry, most of the time keeping diaries do give you good insights in patterns.

04-28-2016, 10:31 PM
I think keeping a food diary is a good idea sanfranlarry, most of the time keeping diaries do give you good insights in patterns.

It has helped me quite a bit in knowing what my trigger foods are.

04-29-2016, 12:42 AM
I think you should try! SanFranLarry has also good experiences.

Boo Bass
04-29-2016, 04:01 AM

DRink a lot of peppermint tea. Regular jogging gets the bowels moving.

I.m in jail so pretty much at the mercy of it.

05-02-2016, 03:06 PM
no it is definatelty not bowel cancer! i am in nursing school and i recently had a lecture on bowel elimination. Your body has become dependent on the lactulose! this happens a lot to people who takes things for constipation... you need to drink a lot of water, get some exercise and increase your fiber! Drink some warm fluids also:)

05-02-2016, 05:25 PM
flaxmeal is helpful so is warm water with honey