View Full Version : Chest feels like it's compressing.

04-27-2016, 09:14 PM
Hello everyone.

I've read a bit around here and I'm honestly not sure if this will help at all but I'm at a point where I'll try just about anything as long as it's different.

I've read a lot about different therapies including CBT, self-care, coping skills, and discomfort tolerance, but all of these systems only help me when there's something I can do to fix the problem.

That's taken me a long way; I survived my suicide attempt at 18 and now I'm 21 and far more satisfied with my life than I was for years back then.
But recently my sister's mental condition has gotten worse.
I started raising her when I was 15 because my parents aren't fit to, and in a misguided attempt to protect her from bad things, I didn't expose her to them at all and gave her almost no capacity to deal with difficult situations on her own.

Now she's threatening to kill herself every few weeks and looking into inpatient programs that I'm not sure we can afford and I'm moving to a neighboring state in a week (instead of living a few blocks away from her like I am now) and I'm so worried about when I'll get the world-ending phone call that I can barely breathe.

I need to pack and finish work projects and cook and clean but I can't seem to do anything of this with this massively painful compress on my chest all the time. I am doing all I can to help her but it's suffocating me all the same.

Any advice at all would be appreciated.

Thanks for listening.

04-28-2016, 11:31 AM
I understand that you are worried about your sisters' health. But what can you actually do right now? If you think she is really going to do it, please find help for her. I am not sure how this works in your country, but in The Netherlands a call for crisiscare is enough to get here into a psychiatric hospital with a professional help program.

I did some research: (not allowed to place the link; but try on google: suicidepreventionlifeline.)
Maybe you can call them for advice.

04-28-2016, 07:58 PM
Chest tightening is one of the symptoms I hate most and it seems to be the one that always hits when I have a flare-up (like today). Deep breathing exercises usually help. As far as your sister, annmieke87 is correct and of you're in the US, there are numbers to call.

04-28-2016, 08:01 PM
Thoughts of suicide are terrible and I really hope your sister gets the help she needs.

04-28-2016, 09:41 PM
Wow, you've got a lot going on. I love that you started taking care of your sister at such a young age and you are so willing to still help her now. Sounds like maybe you could benefit from someone to talk to? There's an organization called Focus on the Family that can provide a free phone consultation with a licensed counselor. The counselor may be able to direct you to services in your area, and/or your sister's area. At the very least, you will get a non-judgmental, sympathetic person to talk to. If you call 1-855-771-4357 you can talk to someone! Just make sure you call between 6a-8p Mountain Standard Time. And if no one answers, you can leave a message so someone can call you back. I hope you can call and maybe get some relief :)

05-25-2016, 08:24 PM
As an update, my sister was hospitalized for the third time in two weeks this Sunday for a suicide attempt. She is not speaking to anyone in my family and had security remove my parents from the hospital when they flew to her state to be with her.
I can't sleep anymore even though I lay for hours so tired that tears leak out of my eyes. Financially I'm not doing well and the future is looking bleak on that front. My chest is still so heavy.

I'm not sure what to do anymore.