View Full Version : Doctor won't prescribe an anxiolytic that might work...

04-26-2016, 09:25 PM
I take 100mg Zoloft daily for generalized anxiety disorder. I've taken it for about a year. I think it has helped some but I still get extremely anxious sometimes to the point of panic. The doctor who prescribed me the Zoloft is a family physician. He previously prescribed Buspar for anxiety attacks and told me to take diphenhydramine when feeling overly anxious. The Buspar did nothing and I think diphenhydramine makes it worse. I inquired about lorazepam after reading about it online. He said it's an old medicine and it's habit forming and upped my Zoloft to 200mg. I don't want to take this much Zoloft. I don't even know if I need it. I mean if I had something that would truly relieve or nip in the bud a panic attack I know I'd be much better off. Also, is taking Zoloft not a forced habit? I mean you absolutely have to take it every day or you're going to go into withdrawals. You're basically taking it under duress. Why are doctors so keen on prescribing these SSRIs that you're absolutely bound to but not something that you might have to take once or twice a week? Because some people abuse it? I'm going to see a new doctor I think but I almost feel guilty, like I'm doing something wrong. I just want to feel normal and live a normal life.

05-01-2016, 02:16 PM
There are a good number of docs who do not want to prescribe benzos, such as lorazepam (a/k/a Ativan) because it can be addictive and is sometimes abused. Other docs will prescribe benzos more readily, at least to those patients who do not seem likely to abuse. My first doc gave me a benzo, without my asking. I told him I was very worried about taking it because of the potential for addiction, and I asked if I could have a lower dose. He said I am the kind of guy who will not get addicted - someone who is concerned about addiction and dependence..

05-01-2016, 04:38 PM
I take benzo klonopin every day for the last 4 years I think, still on the smallest dose, just to take an edge off. Been on Benzos for years. I think cjt you need to speak with psychiatrist, they know more how to treat anxiety than family physician. My family doc was forcing me to take SSRI even I can not take the side effects of it. The BP up to the roof. No ofence but most family docs have no knowledge about addiction or treating anxiety or depression

05-02-2016, 11:24 AM
Well, I'll tell you from my experience that if my doctor would refuse to prescribe my Ativan (lorazepam) I'd find another doctor. I have horrible side effects to SSRI's. I'm now trying Buspar, but so far it hasn't changed anything, but I've only been on it about a month and I'm on a very low dose (5mg). But I still need my Ativan. That stuff is a godsend for me. Without it I'd lose my mind completely. I take 1-3 mg per day, depending on how much I need. Some days are worse than others. I've been taking Ativan for several years now.

Could you perhaps find another doc?

05-02-2016, 01:55 PM
Well, I'll tell you from my experience that if my doctor would refuse to prescribe my Ativan (lorazepam) I'd find another doctor. I have horrible side effects to SSRI's. I'm now trying Buspar, but so far it hasn't changed anything, but I've only been on it about a month and I'm on a very low dose (5mg). But I still need my Ativan. That stuff is a godsend for me. Without it I'd lose my mind completely. I take 1-3 mg per day, depending on how much I need. Some days are worse than others. I've been taking Ativan for several years now.

Could you perhaps find another doc?

I tried so many of them and none of them is a good fit for me, My doc says that not only one who can not take them though side effects. Linda try to switch to clonazepam, it is gentle and long life so is like 6-10 hours. Ativan makes me feel like I am zombie, but i take it and have on me , when the panic attack starts :)
You right he needs to find another doc

05-02-2016, 03:02 PM
I tried so many of them and none of them is a good fit for me, My doc says that not only one who can not take them though side effects. Linda try to switch to clonazepam, it is gentle and long life so is like 6-10 hours. Ativan makes me feel like I am zombie, but i take it and have on me , when the panic attack starts :)
You right he needs to find another doc

You know, it's funny, you're not the only one to tell me Ativan makes them feel like a zombie. But, for some crazy reason or another, it doesn't do that to me. It doesn't even make me feel the slightest bit tired. Which stinks because I have many sleepless nights and wish the Ativan could help with that, but it just doesn't.

I've talked to my doctor about trying Klonopin and she said she'd have no problem writing a script for me, but that I'd have to turn over my Ativan, she doesn't want me taking them together. Which I understand. But I've taken Ativan for so long (it was the first drug they gave me in the hospital when I was in serious panic mode, but didn't know that's what was happening to me yet) that handing it over - like the typical anxiety-disordered person that I am - literally terrifies me. I'm afraid the Klonopin won't work the way Ativan does and if it doesn't, I'm screwed because I'll be without the Ativan until I'd tell my doc I have to switch back. So for me it's kind of like if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Besides, the benzos are great for calming the nerves, but do nothing for managing anxiety to the point of changing the brain chemistry, which is what the other drugs do to make a person 'happy' (and not worrying constantly about every little thing) again. So I'm not sure trying another benzo would even make a difference.

05-02-2016, 05:23 PM
Hm I have pretty big stash so when panic starts I am safe. I do understand. Try to do like I do. I take clonazepam every day, and ativan when the panic hits. So she will give you script for ativan but smaller amount and then clonazepam. I had not believe in clonazepam till I tried;))
Insomnia is my company, very loyal company from a childhood. This nigh at one am I was doing some stupid games on computer.............till go tired,

05-02-2016, 06:55 PM
Hm I have pretty big stash so when panic starts I am safe. I do understand. Try to do like I do. I take clonazepam every day, and ativan when the panic hits. So she will give you script for ativan but smaller amount and then clonazepam. I had not believe in clonazepam till I tried;))
Insomnia is my company, very loyal company from a childhood. This nigh at one am I was doing some stupid games on computer.............till go tired,

Nope, she won't do it, she won't prescribe both medications to me. She said it's one or the other, not both. My Ativan script is for 1mg tabs, which I break in half. So most of the time I'm only taking 0.5mg at a time, although some days, especially in the mornings, I'll take a whole 1mg tablet. I have a bit of driving anxiety as well, so on the days I have to drive to work (I work 3 days a week) I take a whole tab so I don't freak out and have a panic attack in my car, which has happened a few times and I have to pull off into a store - any store - and go in and shop whether I need to or not just to distract myself and give the Ativan time to work. Then I can get back in my car and complete my drive to work.

Ativan also takes away the lightheadedness I get from the anxiety. When I start feeling like my head is floating, I take 0.5mg and it takes it back away. This happens 2, sometimes 3 times a day. I could probably use some right now as every time I actually talk about the anxiety, my head starts floating. I avoided anxiety forums for a good while for that reason alone. Talking about it and thinking about it, even on message boards, would bring it on.

I'm a case, I know.