View Full Version : The Media is giving me anxiety, please help me with my fears

10-01-2008, 12:36 AM
Please help as I am losing sleep and can't stay calm because
of this stuff.

October 14th, Aliens or some creatures is suppose to visit us,
according to blossom goodchild, a telepatic woman

LHC(Large Hardron Collider) that people keep saying
that's going to destroy the Earth.

And now the Web Pot Project that most say that was never
wrong on predicting market crashes and 9/11, has just predicted
Apocalyapse and Alien contact soon. They also predicted
the economy fall which just happened today, and I keep
thinking that may family is never going to buy a home and
fear that we may become poor

Please help me, as I have extreme high anxiety, phobia
from outside noises and I'm most paranoid about this stuff, I can't sleep, think about it, my heart won't stop beating fast, this ruining my daily comfort life and I'm sick of hearing this stuff!

10-01-2008, 05:54 AM
You really need to get that stuff out of your head. What you need to do is worry about YOURSELF not when the world is going to end or if we are going to be contacted by aliens. All that stuff is out your control, don't listen to it, its not good for your health. I remember a couple that committed suicide a few days before the year 2000 rolled around because they were afraid that when the clock hit midnight the apocalypse was going to be upon us. How did that work out? You need to start getting positive things in your life, if something is not helping you get rid of it. We are all going to die someday, its out of control, but I refuse to live in fear until that happens.

10-01-2008, 06:18 AM
Try not to believe everything you hear in the media, remember, they are a big organisation who are out to make money. It's very often that such storys are hyped and go way out of proportion just increase watching figures..

Try not to worry about something which is completely out of your control, just enjoy yourself and keep your mind occupied. Life isn't a dress rehearsal, just fulfill your life with positive challenges and you'll soon be to busy to think about these things.... Hope your ok! :)

10-01-2008, 05:18 PM
Firstly why not switch off for a while from reading predictions, reading the news or watching it - just give yourself a break for a little while. A lot of what gets predicted has always happened since time began regardless of predictions eg: wars, famines, floods, - they have and will always happen. There have for years been times of financial instability and recessions. Look at what happened in the 1930's. If aliens were due to visit us then I think that they would have made contact by now considering how long there have been human beings on the planet. Our planet is and always has been at threat of some natural disaster in some form. We are still here tho on this planet thousands of years on, and people will probably still be here for many more years to come. You say you have high anxiety and this is why you are worrying about events that are out of your control. You cant control the situation. Our lives end regardless one day, either by illness, accident or old age. Enjoy life whilst you are here - dont spend it worrying that it is going to all end, cos one day it will anyhow, so just try to relax about things.I know cos I suffer with anxiety myself how horrible anxiety can make you feel - you become on high alert state whether it be about noise, the news you hear on the tv or read in the paper, the slightest ailment becomes a killer disease. Since my anxiety has lessened so have those feelings. If you didnt have anxiety you wldnt be reacting the way that you are so much. Everyone I think irrespective of having anxiety or not, worries about the current financial state, recession, climate changes, and all the other issues that there are in the world today, but you have to not allow it to stress you too much. Stress and lack of sleep will affect your health and that is a more realistic thing to worry over than aliens landing.