View Full Version : Going to the doctors about anxiety... does it really help?

04-25-2016, 02:04 PM
This is my first post on this forum, nice to meet you all :)

Essentially I'm hoping to hear from those who have been brave enough to go to the Doctor re crippling anxiety/constant worrying/panic attacks. I've been dealing with it for years and its only now that I'm wondering if I could actually help myself by admitting the amount I worry isn't normal?

I'm scared to go to the Doctor and not be taken seriously - I worry all the time, if I find a moment I'm not worrying my mind will concoct something that i have to panic about, it's like a punishment :( I just wonder if I went to the Doctor it would genuinly help? It's got to the stage where I dread times when I'm not working/meant to have a break/enjoy myself because I know I'll be panicking about something. I just can't ever see myself not worrying in life and it seems a very bleak future :(

Is it only drugs doctors can offer you? I'm not sure how i feel about that :/ I just don't know if this is something a doctor can fix or if I have to accept I'll never change.


04-25-2016, 02:56 PM
I went to an urgent care clinic in Chico, California and that is where I was diagnosed. It was actually relieving to know I had GAD and not some strange disease. I was given drugs, which I've never taken (personal choice). I think you're making a wise choice to go to the doctor.

04-25-2016, 03:55 PM
I started to use help of docs years ago. So long I do not even remember. For the last 3 or maybe 4 years I am on gabapentin and klonopin and actually i have life, as much as possible for me

04-26-2016, 12:43 PM
SanFranLarry - thanks for the reply - so if you didn't take the drugs (hope you don't mind me asking) do you do anything instead? I'm just curious if drugs are the only thing Doctors can offer?

04-26-2016, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the reply Dahlia, I'm glad going to the Doctors helped you - I think I just to build up the courage

04-26-2016, 01:12 PM
Hey Anxious, doctors are here to help, not to hurt, for them not to take you or your feelings seriously would be an unethical stance as a doctor and you can graciously look for another. There are many good and caring doctors. I have been fortunate to find many doctors caring and helping. My current doctor, while not the most "emotional" doctor, gives me the info and straight forward answers. Doesn't messing around and I appreciate it!

So I would say, try one, when you are ready, and see if your fears warranted. Its like tasting a new food for the first time you wont know unless you try, to your surprise it may be the best thing you have done!

04-26-2016, 02:27 PM
My current internal medicince physician has helped me quite a bit. He is caring and never rushes me during a visit.
I also agree with the post of Exactice.

04-26-2016, 03:19 PM
Thanks Exactice, Kirk, good to hear that you've both had good experiences... think I just need to compose and plan what to say, otherwise I think I'll either have a mind blank or blurt it out in a panic ..

04-26-2016, 03:31 PM
Write down your questions!!!!! No need to go in blank, all your concerns, put them in order from primary to secondary..... Start with the most pertinent concerns first so you dont overwhelm the doctor and then go from there, You can do it!

04-26-2016, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the reply Dahlia, I'm glad going to the Doctors helped you - I think I just to build up the courage
I am old woman so there is not much i can do, but younger people should do whatever is possible to get well. even if you have to take meds for some time, so it will be. In meantime you get calmer and can work on strategy, and maybe meditate :) , there is a lot you can do. I am not on AD I do not respond to it well enough. To many side effects. Have ever tried drinking lemon balm tea before night or at least white tea? It helps to relax :)
Try everything and you will find something to work for you, then enjoy your life, achieve your dreams;)

04-27-2016, 02:34 PM
Thanks Exactice - I'll give that a go : )

04-27-2016, 02:36 PM
Thank you so much for the advice Dahila :) It would be nice to feel calmer - seems impossible at present

04-27-2016, 06:09 PM
I meditate when I start having problems. I also find getting involved in projects takes my mind off things.

04-27-2016, 06:42 PM
san you must meditate all the time, practice , practice everyday, at least for 10-15 min, but everyday, the best is at the same time, but it does not have to. Your Saying that you meditate, when you start having problems tells me that you do not meditate;)) No insult intended

04-27-2016, 08:19 PM
I distract myself as much as possible to take my mind off any issues. I have a hobby I enjoy,
I like going to shopping malls, going out to eat, vacations, work, etc. Eventually you will
find what works best for you.

04-28-2016, 02:20 PM
Thanks all for the tips :) I booked an appointment 30 mins ago and I'm making sure to write down everything. I have meditated a few times on holiday through instruction and it was truly amazing, however here at home... I don't know how to stop the worrying thoughts from entering if I'm alone, I'll give it a go sometime soon and see how I get on