View Full Version : Bowel cancer fear :(, bowels don't feel empty after going god this is the worst :(

04-24-2016, 01:03 PM

I'm 20 years old and I've had stomach problems since about year 8 in school, i think it may be ibs but i never actually got diagnosed with it as I've never been to the doctors with it, i've had cramps on and off and constipation and only bits of looser stools seem to get constipated more than anything. This fear and my anxiety started when my friend got appendicitis in year 8 he told me and about it and god I was terrified of it and have been ever since. anyway since last sunday I've been constipated but I've managed to do bowl movements it's not like I've been completely constipated I've been going and doing bits at a time normal size stool aswell.

But everytime i finish it feels like there's more and more in there and it never ends, today a week later I've had a big meal today for a birthday meal and I've done quite a bit but now it's just coming out in tiny pellets one at a time and I have some rectal pressure, I haven't had any mucous or blood at all. I've had mucous before months ago occasionally and sometimes have passed just bits of mucous in the past. Never had blood though on the tp or stool ever, I haven't had any cramps today at all i feel ok stomach wise.

Anyway I'm terrified and convinced I have bowel cancer and can't kick this fear it's so strong and here comes a new low for me I even did my own sort of rectal exam on my self with my finger and it feels fine untill it gets tight and I don't know if i can feel a lump further up :( it's not hard it's soft it might just be how it's meant to feel I just don't know my self. I feel ashamed for doing that :(

Any ideas

04-24-2016, 03:53 PM
I think you need to go to your doctor immediately. This could be life threatening

Ring an ambulance NOW!

Before your fingers get permanently stuck!

Let us know how you go.

04-24-2016, 04:35 PM
I think you need to go to your doctor immediately. This could be life threatening

Ring an ambulance NOW!

Before your fingers get permanently stuck!

Let us know how you go.

Thanks for that lol, feel a little bit better now might just have a laxative tonight to shift it, scary though when my anxiety flies up

04-24-2016, 04:56 PM
I am with Ponder Ambulance is the most needed at moment like that.
The worst thing is we somehow program our body to get sick, you wanted it so badly so your brain will be programed and will send the messages to body. Mind over the body, have you ever hear it?
Then people ask few years later what happened Why me?

04-24-2016, 06:35 PM
What you described is exactly some of the symptoms of IBS, which is very common with anxiety sufferers (along with GERD). There is no actual medical testing for IBS, it is more a trail-and-error diet thing. I suffer from this too.

04-24-2016, 07:36 PM
It is never a good idea to stick anything up your rectum, as you could injure yourself. At 20 years old, your chances of having cancer are extremely remote.

04-24-2016, 09:20 PM
I'm glad you can see that funny side of it. What's your diet like?

Edit - to give yourself a good clean out - find some Epsom Salts at your local grocery store and take about a table spoon (no more) - I recommend taking it with about 160ml of warm water about 3-4 hours after eating and about 3 hours before bed.

That should help clean you out some. It's what I do when I feel like I am backed up and it works really well.

04-24-2016, 10:21 PM
What about eating right with the right intake of fiber?

04-25-2016, 12:43 AM
You might also try going gluten-free. I am in the process of doing it and it has helped my IBS, though it does take a few months to actually rid your body of gluten.

04-25-2016, 06:05 AM
A high fiber diet would get things moving along. Try oatmeal, fruit and plenty of water.

04-25-2016, 08:41 AM
Ok, yeah my diet isn't the best , for as long as I remember I've gagged on most of fruits and veg I only eat carrots and potato for veggies really. I need to eat better my sleep is way off aswell atm not waking up till like 12 in the afternoon as i can't get out of bed that's sleeping over 10 hours which I'm pretty sure isn't good, i need to get on a sleep cycle.

Might need to get out more aswell at the minute i sit on the computer allot as i have social anxiety aswell at times :( so i barely get out of the house apart from when i go fishing or out for a drive both of these do relax me and when i have had cramps driving just seems to take them away when I'm relaxed.

I had 2 senokot tablets last night and I think most of it is now gone but now it still feels like there is something there and when I go im constipated but it feels quite soft inside and bits just come out when I go. So I might be able to get two pebble types out then that'll be it for an hour or so.

I'm also getting allot of wind on the toilet with the constipation as well so when I push to do a bm I get allot of wind in between each push I don't know if this is normal. I need to stop googling though god does that scare you.

And I've just got some lactolose from the chemist down the road from me which i hope sorts it out :(.

It's really hard to calm down properly atm