View Full Version : How I cured my Anxiety naturally

04-21-2016, 10:52 PM
I have suffered from anxiety for many years and experienced numerous severe panic attacks. Going to work and performing normal day-to-day tasks were a constant struggle for me. I just couldn’t enjoy life anymore. I felt very anxious/agitated as well as tense all the time. I feared that I would have to live like this for the rest of my life. As I do have a lot of issues when it comes to medication (i.e. side effects, fear of side effects, increased anxiety), I wanted to find a natural solution for myself.

After years of researching, studying and testing many natural anxiety-reducing therapies, practices, foods and remedies, I found a natural solution that worked for me.

Eliminating anxiety-producing foods and incorporating lots of anxiety-reducing foods really helped me. For example, some of the things I am trying to avoid as much as possible are caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners and processed foods as they are known to spike anxiety. On the other hand, I eat lots of anxiety-reducing foods such as magnesium-rich dark leafy greens, Omega-3-rich fish (i.e. salmon) and whole grain foods as well as other vitamin B-rich foods. I was amazed at how small diet changes like this can actually reduce anxiety. I also do short 10-minute breathing exercises and/or meditation regularly, and I practice a few specific anxiety-reducing yoga poses 2-3 times a week. All of this combined has cured my anxiety.

Who would have thought that this horrible anxiety could eventually turn me into a healthier, calmer person?!

I wanted to share my findings with other anxiety sufferers and therefore decided to write a book about it. After 2 years of hard work, I finally finished my book “Calm Your Mind in 5 Weeks: How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally” a few of months ago and published it on Amazon (amzn.to/25nqhdg).

The book contains a 5-week anxiety-reducing program that is based on diet and mind-calming exercises. It contains all of the things that I have tried and tested myself and basically guides you through the process of changing/adjusting your lifestyle gradually.

Included are the following:

Which foods reduce anxiety and why
Which foods to avoid and why
Which foods to include into your diet
Which breathing techniques reduce anxiety
Specific mind-calming yoga exercises
Meal plans and recipes

My main goal was to create an easy-to-follow program which doesn’t feel overwhelming. The changes are small but will have a big effect!!!

I hope this will help and inspire many people.

All the best,

Jacqueline Brandes