View Full Version : New here not new to anxiety

04-20-2016, 07:17 PM
Hi Everyone.
My name is Brittany and I am 26 years old.
I have suffered from anxiety in some form or another since I've been six years old with periods of peace. I began experiencing health anxiety about 5 years ago. It consumed my life, most of my time was spend ready on the Internet for hours a day obsessing over illness after illness. I almost lost my job,I did ultimately loose my college education and lost several months of my life. I eventually felt better though and began learning all I could about anxiety. I am now dealing with my hypochondria again, worrying about ALS or bone cancer. However, this time I understand what it is and am coping though each day is hard and I spend most days locked away obsessing and worrying. Good news is my support system is much better now then it was 5 years ago, I have a best friend who is my rock and is kind and all ways willing to listen to me obsess. My parents weren't supportive last time due to all kinds of factors has finally jumped on board and helping me cope.
So, I guess what I am saying is that yes right now I am going through another battle with anxiety I feel I have the tools to beat it again. If you are new here struggling with the day to day, and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, just keep faith you can and will get through it, hold on to what you have and except each day as a gift. It's hard but each day is one step closer to relief.