View Full Version : Diazepam

04-18-2016, 12:39 PM
Has anyone had experience of diazepam where they feel worse the next day?? Spaced out and generally unwell and heightened anxiety! I'm worrying it's just me! Or wondering if my anxiety is tricking me?

04-18-2016, 04:36 PM
No it does not work like that, but anxiety will. You imagine it, welcome to the forum Sam :)

09-15-2016, 01:46 PM
Hmm I guess since benzos can make people depressed, that may take the form of feeling anxious, but idk.

09-15-2016, 07:54 PM
When I have taken Valium when I go on a jet for vacation, sometimes I feel
fatigue and ill the nest day.

09-16-2016, 07:34 AM
Guys you have it in your heads. You feel fatique when you take the benzo, not after. I am on benzos for over 50 years, off and on and there is no benzo I was not on . Imagination is a powerful thing

09-16-2016, 08:36 PM
Everyone is different and the same medicine can affect people differently, according to my wife who had been a pharmacist for 35 years.
I know how it effects me.

09-17-2016, 04:28 PM
Kirk as you remember you told in every post that your wife is a pharmacist for 35 years. I could not forget it ever, you keep reminding me. Anyway they do not know how it affects the body if they do not take it, They have knowledge from books or university that all. We who suffer with anxiety know better and more than any pharmacist with even 99 years of practice. It is in your heads , that all

salvator here
09-17-2016, 06:49 PM
Its a shame though, because doctors are thinking every patient is a drug seeker here in the US, patients are having a hard time getting even a small script of Valium. Instead, we are being prescribed useless meds and needlessly suffering. I'm not a drug seeker and I'm currently having trouble getting a script now for Valium even thought I hardly even use it and they should be able to see this by calling up my records - I'm pretty sure here in the US, doctors know when and what pharmacies their patients fill prescriptions. This attitude from doctors is starting to make people feel like drug addicts just at the mere mention of a benzo and its just wrong when they help people taken correctly.

09-17-2016, 07:52 PM
I know how it effects my body and I really don't care what anyone else says.

09-18-2016, 03:28 PM
Its a shame though, because doctors are thinking every patient is a drug seeker here in the US, patients are having a hard time getting even a small script of Valium. Instead, we are being prescribed useless meds and needlessly suffering. I'm not a drug seeker and I'm currently having trouble getting a script now for Valium even thought I hardly even use it and they should be able to see this by calling up my records - I'm pretty sure here in the US, doctors know when and what pharmacies their patients fill prescriptions. This attitude from doctors is starting to make people feel like drug addicts just at the mere mention of a benzo and its just wrong when they help people taken correctly.
Salvatore this is why I go every three months to my psychiatrist, my family doc will rather write SSRI for me which, I do not tolerate, than klonopin or ativan; god forbid this is something (she says) that make u a vegetable . I had problem not to burst with laughing :) They will write script on statins that do cause diabetes and damage liver, number 1 medication in whole world. Doctors they worst than some charlatans.

Sorry Kirk but I do not think anyone cares about your opinion, not anymore, not the people who are here for years:) I do not mean to offend you but every your post is I I I I or MY WIFE

09-18-2016, 04:01 PM
Dahila, what medical school did you go to, to become a physician?

09-18-2016, 04:17 PM
Dahila, their is an old saying that I think you should abide by. The saying is, if you have nothing nice to say,
then say nothing at all.

09-18-2016, 08:26 PM
Kirk ie I had done medical college in Canada, I had worked with people in addiction centre in Europe, I bet I have more education in medicine that u do, but I had never say it. I only tell people what I went through , and how I managed it, not the other way around. I do not advertise medication, doctors, or any money bringing institution. The only thing I recommend is meditation, but i believe it is unknown subject for you. I am not being nice????????? You should see how many people have you on ignore. Maybe I should do too

09-18-2016, 08:48 PM
I wish you would put me on ignore, as the other intellectuals have done.

09-18-2016, 09:17 PM
arrrrrr ... I now see what you mean Dahila. Fair enough too. :)
I guessed it in my thread. lol

09-18-2016, 09:19 PM
:rolleyes:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,

09-19-2016, 04:00 AM
Yawn, ho hum.

09-19-2016, 05:34 AM
Or should I say, ho hum, yawn. Either way, my response is appropriate in the circumstances.

09-19-2016, 02:14 PM
Cyber bullies.

09-22-2016, 02:00 PM
Valium is pretty fast acting and can be quite effective. When my daughters friend was having some side effects from his Chemo
treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma a number of years ago, Valium did the trick when other drugs did not. The Valium helped him
through his difficulties and he is alive and well today, around 6-7 years later. So in other words, medications can be and are
life savers. He is living proof of that.

Two One
10-18-2016, 12:21 PM
What is the dosage of your Valium? It is possible that the dose is too high. Also, keep in mind that diazepam has an extremely long half-life so that can account for the feeling of fatigue the next day. However, I do find it odd that you feel unwell the day after taking it. I have not experienced that with benzodiazepines. I suggest speaking to your psychiatrist about lowering your dose or switching to a different benzodiazepine.

Two One
10-18-2016, 12:26 PM
Its a shame though, because doctors are thinking every patient is a drug seeker here in the US, patients are having a hard time getting even a small script of Valium. Instead, we are being prescribed useless meds and needlessly suffering. I'm not a drug seeker and I'm currently having trouble getting a script now for Valium even thought I hardly even use it and they should be able to see this by calling up my records - I'm pretty sure here in the US, doctors know when and what pharmacies their patients fill prescriptions. This attitude from doctors is starting to make people feel like drug addicts just at the mere mention of a benzo and its just wrong when they help people taken correctly.

This is a sad, but truthful post. I'm currently a medical student and it astonishes me how many doctors are denying anxiety patients relief from their suffering. I understand the use of SSRIs in the treatment of anxiety disorders but they do nothing for severe, acute anxiety. It's certainly no secret that SSRIs very often make you feel worse upon starting them. Doctors in the U.S. believe if they write a prescription for Xanax to a patient suffering from Panic Disorder that patient will be out on the street selling themselves for some more Xanax. The fact is benzodiazepines by themselves very rarely cause physical addiction. Benzodiazepine addiction almost always occurs as a result of cross abuse with opioids, muscle relaxants, alcohol or other CNS depressants.

10-18-2016, 08:31 PM
Finally words of wisdom Two one. I am the proof of not being addicted to benzos. For the last 50 years or more I was on benzos on and off when tough time came........ The docs treat patients like potential drug dealers. Mine was forcing me to take SSRI even I am highly intolerant to it, and it does nothing for me.
They will not give you a script for benzo but script for Statins are always available ( money, money money )

10-19-2016, 07:48 PM
The simple fact is, some people need medicine to function and that is all she wrote.

salvator here
10-20-2016, 05:36 PM
..and the more we press the doctor hard for a benzo, the more it appears as drug seeking (just a shame). I made a bottle of 60 10mg tablets last from February of this year, I would hardly call that addiction. The trouble for me, is, it was prescribed by a APRN psych nurse. My regular MD won't even consider a benzo at all. I just need to get back to see her again and I think I will be alright. I only used Diazepam when I was in crisis situation. Honestly, Buspar is very effective on a daily basis I will say. I've been un medicated for a while and I am not at all functional. I've not even told my doctor even 1/2 of what I'm dealing with right now.

10-20-2016, 06:32 PM
For me it's a case of staying away from booze and in Australia that's kind of hard. For example, I went to the supermarket last night and drove past about two drive-through bottle shops and then there's always one attached to the supermarket. The alcohol lobby in this country are extremely powerful yet GPs have all sorts of restrictions on them regarding benzos. I get them from a psychiatrist (who have less restrictions) but I can imagine how many people are self-medicating their anxiety with alcohol. In fact I KNOW people who are.

I might mention Buspar to my psychiatrist.. I don't think it's well known here.

salvator here
10-20-2016, 06:44 PM
Hi Gypsy, I hope things are getting somewhat better for you, I truly hope so. I'm just maintaining and struggling to get by at my end, today I feel stable and I'm not sad and depressed, I just appreciate those days now. I can relate to what are you are feeling. While I'm not totally sober, I've cut way back and I'm feeling as if someday (soon hopefully) I could just stop (again). I'm strange, I can detox without too much trouble (just the shakes for a few days and diarrhea), lord knows I've done it a million times of curse, we know how it goes. I'm only drinking a few beers now, much better than when I was using hard liquor. I have the urge every time as well when I see those bottles, but my financial situation also prevents me from going back to that which is a blessing in disguise. I have always been very honest with my doctors and nurses about my alcohol use, and Buspar was one that was also helpful for keeping me sober. I guess you could mention it, but then again, if your current medication is working, why chance it.

I honestly just hope somehow, things will improve for everyone.

10-20-2016, 07:22 PM
Thanks Salvator :)

I get by ok with the help of benzos. To be honest opiates help the most (oxycodone) but I'm all out atm and just got back from being away, so I'm feeling pretty blah but I've been a lot worse. My anxiety and depression has a very specific reason now, which is reassuring in a way but also frustrating as all hell and has turned into some sort of Complex PTSD because I'm stuck in a situation which I'm powerless over. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but it's a few years away still *sigh*. Alcohol is a disaster for me because I end up incredibly depressed and then have shocking anxiety. It's just so in my face all the time though!

10-21-2016, 08:13 PM
I can't drink alcohol anymore as I had an esophageal ulcer in 2003 and my GI physician said to stay away.

10-23-2016, 08:53 AM
Has anyone had experience of diazepam where they feel worse the next day?? Spaced out and generally unwell and heightened anxiety! I'm worrying it's just me! Or wondering if my anxiety is tricking me?

Yes, when I would go off Benzo's and the next day I would have crazy OCD for the next few days. But hey, Benzo's let me sleep. Finally I realized that even though the drugs did effect me, the real question was why couldn't I sleep! I figured that answer out, and that's all in my past now.

10-23-2016, 08:59 AM
FruitSalad, how did you figure out why you couldn't sleep and what did you do about it? And, more importantly (lol), how did you come up with a user name of "FruitSalad"? Thanks!

I did figure out why I can't sleep (anxiety) but I don't know how to "put that in my past".

Two One
10-25-2016, 12:41 PM
I can't drink alcohol anymore as I had an esophageal ulcer in 2003 and my GI physician said to stay away.

I had a gastric ulcer in 2013 and that really restricted my diet. I haven't eaten or drank any acidic food or drinks since then. Alcohol will never be a problem for me, though. My father is an alcoholic and it has caused me to develop a very strong hatred for it.

10-25-2016, 02:18 PM
Ulcers are no fun and mine was VERY painful.