View Full Version : Total relapse.

09-30-2008, 11:03 AM
This past weekend was so stessful. My boyfriend is a recovering alchaholic and he had a total relapse due to HIS anxiety.

He was gone all weekend. Turned his phone off because he was affraid of what i might say and wasnt ready to face me.

This made me a wreck. I was tottaly stressed out. Couldnt eat, and it through off my whole sleeping scedual.

I feel like i have had a tottal anxiety relapse.

Things are fine between Mike and i now. We've talked about what happened and will continue to help eachother through our problems.

I feel like i was doing so well and went COMPLETLY BACKWARDS!

I was actually starting to be able to socialize again, feel happy, barely let the anxiety get to me. I even went to a job interview! I thought maybe it was the Buspar (the medication im on) But now i just feel completly hopeless again. Even right now. Im in the library and there are 2 people on both sides of me and i feel completly closed in, like ill have a panic attack at any given moment.

Im having an eating problem again. And my anxiety gets really bad at night.

Im supposed to work a vending table at a concert this weekend. I thought i would be ready because i was doing so well....But now i feel like ill die if i try to leap into somthing like that.


09-30-2008, 11:48 AM
hi anna, glad everything was ok between you and your boyfriend in the end, but i'm sorry to hear that you're feeling bad again :( firstly to get yourself back on track you need to start eating and sleeping right. without proper nourishment and rest your nervous system will just get more and more upset and you won't feel good at all while that's happening. if you need some tips on how to eat for anxiety i can give you some if you like :) and also i recently gave loads of tips on getting sleep on this thread: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3855

so start taking care of yourself, be kind to your body and give it the things it needs to feel good :)

and secondly, its totally understandable in such a situation that you felt so stressed out. if you've been having trouble with anxiety then stressfull situations like this can add to the problem and make you feel like you're taking a step backwards. if you didn't have a pre-existing anxiety problem then you may have found this less difficult, although anyone would have found it tough, regardless of their mental health! perhaps you need to learn some stress management techniques, if you haven't already? some method of relexation that will help you chill out when you feel that things are a bit too much. even something as simple as having someone you can call to talk to when things are tough - just talking about it and sharing the problem can really be helpful.

you say that everything is ok with your boyfriend again, which is good news, but just make sure that he knows that such behaviour really makes you feel bad and considering your anxiety issues he should really be a bit more considerate in the future - i don't mean to sound harsh there, i totally understand that he's going through his own issues, but he also needs to be aware of those around him and how his behaviour affects you.

i hope you start feeling ok again soon :wave:

09-30-2008, 01:51 PM
im really sorry to hear that you are having problems, i understand how feeling hopeless and sad can really tear you up, but you have GOT to be positive. i understand how hard it is and i realize that sometimes impossible but even if it only helps you for a second, TRY. chin up, and feel better.

09-30-2008, 10:29 PM
Hi Anna- you were having success with Buspar, maybe you can talk to your doctor about adjusting the dosage.

I think even considering working a vendor table at a concert is huge. I haven't been to a concert in 20 years and the lasst time I went I was vain and self-centered enough to believe everyone was staring at me :oops:.

Again with the wacky behavior.

Also, dealing with alcohol or other substances with someone else is almost always stressful. Seems like you have successfully worked a portion of it out. That's good too.

You've started doing some positive things, consider this jsut a temporary regroup and start again?

Hope things start to improve again.

10-01-2008, 11:44 AM
Well my boyfriend and i have been dating for two years, and hes very understand. probably the MOST understanding about my anxiety then anyone i know.

He suffers from anxiety himself. And has for years.

Because of his anxiety is what through him into drinking years ago because drinking made him feel better.

Drinking is not an often thing for him these days, and i cant kick him while hes down if he had a relapse. Even though it WAS REALLY STESSFULL!

He understand that he hurt me and we've talked about it. If theres one thing i can say its that we have very good communication when we talk with eachother. Wich is extremly important in a relationship. Especially if you suffer from anxiety.

I started myself on a sleeping scedual again and ofcoarce i always eat right and exersice. Im starting to feel back on track.


10-02-2008, 09:15 PM

Back on track!

That's great - glad you're feeling better.
