View Full Version : Thinking I'm Going To Die

04-16-2016, 02:54 AM
I've got a bit of a weird one here.
My anxiety happens for a few different reasons, but the weirdest one is that it happens when I'm happy or doing something good.
Example: Today I was getting my mom some flowers. Immediately my anxiety kicks in and has me start thinking about me dying and that she'll see the flowers in my hand, or that I give them to her and die and she'll be so sad that she'll keep them even after they are fully dead.
WHY does my brain think it's a bad thing when I do good things or why does it think it's bad to be happy?
Does anyone know of how to combat this? I'm even trying a hypnosis thing I found on youtube on anxiety in general, idk if it helped but it's all I've got.

04-16-2016, 07:36 AM
Hi there

is this the only time you have anxiety, when you're fearing death?

For me, during the nighttime, I may get intrusive thoughts such as a thought telling me that I'm going to hear voices in my head and become crazy. Although this never happens (me hearing voices), I may at times get an anxiety peak over just contemplating this.

I guess there are two good strategies, to me knowledge, that work well in these cases, which you and I seem to have:

1) when the thought of you dying manifests, tell your self "this is stupid, irrational and it won't happen". You will notice that after many times of doing this, your subconscious mind will react in this way the next time the bad thought arises.

2) breathe. Use the 4-7-8 breathing technique to get your mind off that thought

Hope this helps

04-16-2016, 04:19 PM
Jeez Juniors should you not to ride the bicycle today? Instead of posting here? Someone in my family just died on cancer, I will not tolerate the bs you putting on here

04-16-2016, 06:48 PM
Jeez Juniors should you not to ride the bicycle today? Instead of posting here? Someone in my family just died on cancer, I will not tolerate the bs you putting on here

I didn't make this thread, but I thought this was the appropriate place to talk about anxiety issues? someone in my family, my dad, died recently too. I'm not sure what difference it makes for me to say that.

04-16-2016, 06:54 PM
Complain when you have reason too, take up with the doc first. Remember anxious people have health anxiety, it is normal, but anxiety does not kill you so the thread is simply inappropriate. I am really sorry for your los lolfeg123. It is difficult to lose a parent:(
I am dealing with health anxiety for probably 45 years or more but I never post about dying from it, I never done it. It is negative and influence people here, it really does. No difference at least not huge between saying and writing.

04-16-2016, 07:11 PM
Hi there

is this the only time you have anxiety, when you're fearing death?

For me, during the nighttime, I may get intrusive thoughts such as a thought telling me that I'm going to hear voices in my head and become crazy. Although this never happens (me hearing voices), I may at times get an anxiety peak over just contemplating this.

I guess there are two good strategies, to me knowledge, that work well in these cases, which you and I seem to have:

1) when the thought of you dying manifests, tell your self "this is stupid, irrational and it won't happen". You will notice that after many times of doing this, your subconscious mind will react in this way the next time the bad thought arises.

2) breathe. Use the 4-7-8 breathing technique to get your mind off that thought

Hope this helps

I tend to have this type of anxiety built up the more I do stuff, like exercise, doing things out in public and stuff. I start burping repeatedly the higher my anxiety gets. So my anxiety increases the stomach problems I already had without it.

04-16-2016, 07:13 PM
Complain when you have reason too, take up with the doc first. Remember anxious people have health anxiety, it is normal, but anxiety does not kill you so the thread is simply inappropriate. I am really sorry for your los lolfeg123. It is difficult to lose a parent:(
I am dealing with health anxiety for probably 45 years or more but I never post about dying from it, I never done it. It is negative and influence people here, it really does. No difference at least not huge between saying and writing.

I'm sorry someone close to you died, but that doesn't mean you should take my anxiety lightly. I need help on it. Do you have any idea the amount of stress it puts on me to constantly have my brain tell you that you are going to die today or you are going to have a heart attack today?

I recommend you scroll up and read that message in the yellow box because comments like your make me not want to even try with this site anymore.

04-16-2016, 08:12 PM
MrFalliors I live with anxiety for so long, so will you. There is a lot you can do to help yourself. You do realize that you are the only person who can help you:)?
There is many hrebs and tea's you could drink , meditation is probably the most effective took with anxiety. Meditation is difficult to start for anxious people so I recommend doing Guided meditation, it will help you to relax. I would put it together with some exercise plan. Exercise especially when you are out of house is really helping a lot of people.
Tea: as simple as Lemon Balm tea, or Camomile tea, and my favorite ; white tea, relaxing and good before sleep. Limit the intake of sugar, fats, coffeine, alcohol, it all is not anxiety friendly ;) We have many stickies in forum with an excellent advice, please read them at least scan them and chose what is best for you. Think positive , :)

04-16-2016, 08:30 PM
my brain tell you that you are going to die today or you are going to have a heart attack today?

Burping constantly? It sounds like you have acid reflux, which can be triggered by high stress levels. Are you getting treated for this? This happened to me too. I use to have trouble even walking moderate distances because of the feelings of heartaches and palpitations.

04-17-2016, 02:09 AM
MrFalliors I live with anxiety for so long, so will you. There is a lot you can do to help yourself. You do realize that you are the only person who can help you:)?
There is many hrebs and tea's you could drink , meditation is probably the most effective took with anxiety. Meditation is difficult to start for anxious people so I recommend doing Guided meditation, it will help you to relax. I would put it together with some exercise plan. Exercise especially when you are out of house is really helping a lot of people.
Tea: as simple as Lemon Balm tea, or Camomile tea, and my favorite ; white tea, relaxing and good before sleep. Limit the intake of sugar, fats, coffeine, alcohol, it all is not anxiety friendly ;) We have many stickies in forum with an excellent advice, please read them at least scan them and chose what is best for you. Think positive , :)

Thanks, and yeah I've been without coffee, soda, alcohol so that's good. I've also been taking green tea for awhile now. Talked to my doctor about this, they said they didn't feel comfortable giving me meds because I'm apparently too young for him to be comfortable with me on it.

04-17-2016, 02:13 AM
Burping constantly? It sounds like you have acid reflux, which can be triggered by high stress levels. Are you getting treated for this? This happened to me too. I use to have trouble even walking moderate distances because of the feelings of heartaches and palpitations.

Yes I do. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as GERD. I've had GERD for awhile now, only thing that's happened was that whenever I was nervous or excited I'd throw up and be sick for the rest of the day. But since that day in January with the chest pressure and stuff, I burp constantly. When nervous or excited, I burp a lot more and the chest pressure comes back (since luckily it's not a daily thing anymore).
And yeah, I just walking a mile up the road I'm burping the whole time and my chest pressure becomes really difficult to deal with, especially under the right shoulder. I've been on omeprazole (I think it's called a PPI drug) for over a year now since the throwing up thing happened.

04-17-2016, 04:36 AM
Try pantsprazole if your results arnt as good with omeprazoke.