View Full Version : Update!

04-15-2016, 03:43 PM
Hi everybody

I thought I would post here an update in regards to my post "Advice Needed".

So the resident is finally moving out into a supported accomdation. I thought I would speak to the head nurse of his care about my rights on visiting the resident. Oh my god, I was blown away by their reaction. At first, I was told I need to phone or email the nurse to get permission. Then I was asked would I like to take the resident out? So I said no. I would just like to pop in and say hello. I do travel around their new area quite a lot and I would love to say hello when they are settled into their new flat. I have being involved in their care for the past three years. Day in, day out. When you work with these people, you get a bond with them. It's easier for the nurses who don't have that bond. When they only see the client once a month. I care deeply for the resident. I care about how they are going to do in life. I just innocently just wanted to say hello. No harm in that, is there?

So later, the nurse came to speak to me. She advised me, due to the resident's sexual offending past. It would not be advisiable for me to visit the resident. Something to do with it would raise concerns and something to do with safeguarding. She questioned why do I want to see the resident? When instead after they leave my care. Instead I should not keep in contact. She questioned on why I want to keep in contact?

She advised me to run it through with my manager. Also she is going to speak to my manager. The resident is moving into their new place next week. The resident requested if I would go with them. At first the nurse said it's fine. Then she made some crap excuse about needing a male staff to accompany the resident due to heavy lifting.

My colleague advised me, there is nothing the nurse can do to stop me from seeing the resident. If in the future, if me and the resident meet again. That there is nothing the nurse nor the professionals can do to stop us from having a friendship.

This weekend will be the last time I get to spend with the resident before we say goodbye. I am going to deeply miss them. I do wish them all the best but I do want to check on how they are doing later on in life.

I fear I may get into trouble just because I asked what my rights were with visiting the resident. Now I dread to face my manager. But I honestly believed there would be no harm in it. The resident is not in my care anymore. Surely they have the mental capacity to refuse to see me? Or they have the right to talk to me.

So much trouble I can sense it.