View Full Version : do i have a anxiety disorder

04-13-2016, 03:45 AM
this been going on for a while now
basically all of the time i wave to my friend ,i get the feeling he dislikes me or is mad at me. but in reality he is not then sometimes when someone is talking to me i feel like the are yelling at me but their are not. i also feel tired ,nervous sometimes that i won't be able to see my friend again. Also today i saw my friend and i was walking around in the cafe ,talking to people and i think i see him looking at me. and then when the bell rang i saw him and he did not wave when he saw me ,but i waved to him when he was going up the stairs and he did wave back. but i felt like he was mad at me or something and hates me. i was upset about this and told me teacher i needed to talk to someone but i was confused why i was upset for. Then this morning my friend went to talk to someone ,i thought it was about me ,but he still waves at me. At lunch i was walking and when i went around the connor i saw him throw something away and i wave quickly and took of quick. i am not sure if he waved back or not. i am not even sure what is going on anymore. could it be hallucinations? Also i sometimes think the worst is going to happen ,like my friend is going to tell on me for something

04-13-2016, 04:35 AM
Sounds like anxiety to me, however to what lvl of disorder I can not say. Does this angst also continue with other things in your life or is it more associated only with your friend?

04-13-2016, 03:36 PM
Hi sometimes other things as well but mostly at school

04-13-2016, 11:06 PM
Best I can say, is not to worry about the fact that your anxious. Focus more on why you might feel the "need" to say want to be accepted or fit in. If that's the wrong angle, then whatever angle it is, ask yourself what's causing you to feel that way, instead of focusing on the "Anxiety" itself.

This forum has way too many young ones in here that focus more and the label and or DX/ self diagnoses ... and tend to blame the "Anxiety" as if it's the cause. Sadly the next step many will take is to consume the abundance of medication that's complacently handed out. I'd be very careful before jumping into that bandwagon without actually giving yourself enough time and or making the effort to work out the root causes to your feeling angst in whatever situation.

Be very careful how you define the lines between Anxiety and Disorder. Young people also need to allow their brains to adjust and understand that hormonal changes during late teens and early 20's are still taking place. More so in these modern times with the food being the way it is.
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Acceptance - wanting to feel included ... does that mean I have been lacking in other areas in my home? --- Does a lack of something create a need or give me a predisposition and or make me more susceptible to an imbalance - Or more vulnerable and or a target to others whom seem so much more stable and thus tend to take advantage of those less able? The longer I seem to consider myself a target and feeling down, the more I seem to be feeling this angst? How can I avoid being eaten in such a competitive world? What are my strengths - what works and does not ... ??? How can I be more accepting of myself and less in need of others as I am constantly told???? How does this whole process of feeling a certain way drag me down - what can I do to improve my situation??????

Ask yourself a million questions with the intent to overcome negative emotions and concentrate on those things you can do yourself that require no others and work on empowering yourself from there.

Just be careful focusing and or blaming some kind of condition which is quite more in order rather than not.

What things do you like to do when your not feeling so down and or pent up?