View Full Version : panic attacks over symptoms of cancer

04-12-2016, 08:24 PM
Hey everyone, I have been over the past year having stomach problems for over a year now. my symptoms are diarrhea/constipation, weight loss about 35 pounds in under two months. stomach pain, weakness! I'm so scared that I have cancer! tonight I broke out in hives, I'm freaking out having constant panic attacks. if anyone has any advice or just kind words or would like to share there story please feel free to share. thank you so very much

04-12-2016, 09:12 PM
Typical for anxiety , did you go to doc?
BTW someone close to home passed away at 5:45 am on cancer, Do you not friggin joke about it. If it was a cancer you would be dead already. Having panic attacks all the time will cause a massive weight loss. You probably not eating right either. What do you do for yourself , beside whining?

04-12-2016, 09:26 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss! I have two little boys and I'm not joking around with it! I have lots of crappy symptoms and I'm just really scared. and really whining? I came here for help and peace of mind and you have to treat me like that? it took a lot out of me to even make a profile and post my personal problems, so thanx for making that work well for me. I don't eat well due to all the stomach problems and I don't excessive due to the anxiety and fearing being around people

04-13-2016, 06:16 AM
Right, 20 years ago I had symptoms like you, it was awfully high level of acid in my stomach and pylori bacteria. I could not eat, I was losing weight like crazy being 5.4 and weighting 108 pounds was not healthy. The problem was cured with two series of antibiiotics. I still have high acidity lever, especially when I am stressed for days. I drink home made kefir which contains over 50 live strains of probiotic bacteria and it seems to regulate it very well.
try to talk to doc about it. Health anxiety , we all have it, you just must learn that not everyone dies on it. Focus on something else. Go to doc do the tests to know what is going on with your stomach. If nothing you need to do something for you; changing life style, stop drinking coffee it is a big thing for stomach. No alcohol, herbal teas, white tea actually is very calming and the same time it contains L-theanine, theophylline, which somehow helps your stomach . Go to doc first and good luck