View Full Version : Just now joined...

04-12-2016, 04:26 PM
...having a bad sensation. Noone o telk to about it. Wonder how responsive communication on this ite is.

Sorry, my typing has been deterioting past few mnths.

Sensation is of something awful happening although objectively nothing is.

Discussion welcome.

04-13-2016, 04:15 PM
Hey Praxitiles, Sorry you dont have anyone to talk to, try to use the chat functions on the sites if you need to get a response.

As for bad sensations, can you use something that can change that, do you have a massage, warm shower, pool? Just something to distract and change the thoughts.

Secondly the mental distraction is important, see if you can find something to mentally distract you!

You can do it!!!

04-15-2016, 05:17 PM
Nothing works except Diazepam and alcohol combined. But I keep those under tight ration.

I lead an intensely scheduled existence. All activity carries a burden of severe intrusive thoughts and hallucinated voices. The more I do the more it builds up.

But if I try to "relax"...well there isnt anything. I have nothing but to pace up and down with an impending sense of either imminent doom or wrse, an evil presence.

Im finding tasks harder anyway, suh as typing, reading, even my speech is slurred some days now (not through drink or Diazepam, it would be OK if it was).

04-15-2016, 07:21 PM
I am on klonopin and gabapentin and it is the only thing I can take and have no sides effects. I would not advice to mix diazepam with alcohol, however I am guilty as sin of doing the same for years. Not anymore..........I do not drink due my ancient age :D