View Full Version : The Phase Phenomenon - (lucid dreaming + out-of-body experience)

04-11-2016, 11:39 PM
Reality Shifting - It's in fact known as many things: Astral Projection - NDE [Near Death Experience] - False Awakenings - Sleep Paralysis - Religious Miracles - Alien Abductions - The Matrix Theory - & many other weird ass confusing stories/concepts.

Long story short - I've been looking into this for a long time now. My background is a little complicated with a religious upbringing. I mention this mostly to highlight the implications in respect to human conditioning. More meaning the severity in which I have been conditioned and how I have now come to unlearn much of the fear that's was once drummed into me.

Each person will have their own approach and reasons in seeking out reasons, purpose and or concepts to escape the pain of living. Perhaps some have no pain at all and are merely just toying with what seems nothing more than the latest version of - OBE - relabelled as Phasing. (better researched and less of a fad) I can only speak for myself, however don't mind making this thread for anyone interested in such methods to alleviate/escape, pain & suffering or for those lucky ones ... just plain boredom. (I actually think the bored ones will struggle to understand the process and or enter the experience.

No offence, but I think such a category of seekers looking for a quick fix that have not endured life much at all, tend to be those that ascribe to more the fancy notion of rising out of body, crawling the walls and or having trouble seeing and feeling anything at all. Many get stuck on the sensation of having experienced some kind of enlightenment, attainment, much like a newbie yogi who suddenly looses their grip in meditation for suddenly realizing they are observing themselves. Don't get me wrong - that's all part of the learning process. I'm just aiming to skip much of the hype and myth and get right into the workings and reasons on why even bother at all.

Each to their own. Belief and Knowing are too key words for me. Beliefs seem to impede the process whilst the practice in process seems brings about the knowledge. I'm all for acquiring and sharing the knowledge whilst I tend the think belief is more about the shedding. The more one is willing to shed, the more open one is to the experience. Vitally important I think - to letting go of fear. Especially those common fears ascribed to said practice, often spawn of conditioned belief. In such a light, I am coming to see just how "practical" this practice can be. I think I list such under reasons to try. :)

Please do share you own thoughts and reason as to how you have an interest in such things or perhaps your concerns or beliefs.
Preferably though ... I make this for like minded people interested in knowing more about the process and practicalities.

I share some links to explain more of how I have come to view such a phenomena - although spasmodic as they are, it's worth noting, this king of thing is very easy to get lost in and or consumed. I note the recent mention of triggers with regard to ASMR whispering and mental health issues - This kind of "opening up" is probably more triggering to those with rigid beliefs, mental health issues (like me ; ) ) - BUT - there is so much to learn across the board ... if your able to distinguish between ones own dysfunction - and that of the world in which we see. That's why I have come to know and feel, that those who are treading water whilst heavily burdened ... that those who are super sensitive, yet not controlled - that such people make the best candidates for opening up to such a method as discussed - (what sometimes seem to be in-between the lines -> depending on the link/info source)

I'm going to have to make a separate post on my links thus far - This is heavy stuff and again - quite a Mind Fuck when you take into account just how many of the stories interlink, yet are so far removed ... add to that religious antics (biggest mind fuck of all) - crossed with Alien Concepts which is bound to have one medicated & diagnosed! I thought it was hard enough making sense of pink unicorns with speckled pigs that fly backwards down to the complex hierarchy of angels and demons. Conspiracy theory of the Matrix Planet seems simple enough, until "They" come into the mix to which no one can really tell.

I still listen, youtube and read whatever article for whatever info I feel relevant - I'm don't feel Science is the answer to everything, but I do like the logic that's gone into breaking down the subject of consciences. Whilst still keeping an ear out on some of the weird and freaky concepts or stories - I've been working on crossing my deep meditation learning and experiences with the concept of what's now known as Phasing - (syncing into new realms/co-created or self induced realities) -> That my dear friends is where the cookie currently crumbles for me.

I forgot to tie in the who "Re-Birth" thing - plays mostly into religious concepts - some not so destructive yet still limiting and or binding. You know - those more attractive ones that sell peace ... Buddhism - Hinduism and so forth ... they all play a part into the mind fuck as well. Twisted Preconceptions as we mere conditioned humans think to see. Yet, I think each concept has it's own insight into the light. I'm just feeling a little need to alter the atypical theory on needed suffering in order to lvl up - I still think there is something to it, but not quite the necessitate when it comes to breaking the "supposed - re-birth story" Seems to appropriate for the discipling and or growing of congregations.

I've been meaning to post on this for a whiles - back later with some of those links - here is the opening one I start with:


and this one:

04-12-2016, 01:54 AM
I'm too tired for PC Games - I share this for starters. I found the studies into sound early on quite revealing in this presentation on Phasing or old school OBE. Sensory deprivation and or intended separation having similarity to deep meditation. I bare in mind that this man's experience may be quite different to another's so don't get hung up on conflicts that rise in my mind. It's not my story ... it's his. Apparently this guy is quite the go to for reference on the topic of reality shifting ... or whatever one wants to call it:


04-12-2016, 01:23 PM
Come to think of it, I don't do well talking to myself out in the main. I'll pick this back up in my thread.

04-13-2016, 06:51 AM
I like the concentric circles you, or somebody else, created - even though I have a different vision in mind. I would however segregate SP from AP since they are two distinct forms of experience. Many people including myself go through SP so as to attain AP, and many of the items you mention in the circle titled 'the phase', such as alien abductions, paranormal events etc, are a subset of SP. From my experience, this is the case. I haven't read your entire post, but I guess the most interesting experience I have ever come across - with respect to sp - would be seeing two angels hovering above me at 5am whilst resting on my back, frozen.

04-14-2016, 04:33 AM
Come to think of it, I don't do well talking to myself out in the main
