View Full Version : do i have a anxiety disorder

04-11-2016, 02:49 PM

this been going on for a while now
basically all of the time i wave to my friend ,i get the feeling he dislikes me or is mad at me. but in reality he is not then sometimes when someone is talking to me i feel like the are yelling at me but their are not. i also feel tired ,nervous sometimes that i won't be able to see my friend again. Also today i saw my friend and i was walking around in the cafe ,talking to people and i think i see him looking at me. and then when the bell rang i saw him and he did not wave when he saw me ,but i waved to him when he was going up the stairs and he did wave back. but i felt like he was mad at me or something and hates me. i was upset about this and told me teacher i needed to talk to someone but i was confused why i was upset for. Then this morning my friend went to talk to someone ,i thought it was about me ,but he still waves at me. At lunch i was walking and when i went around the connor i saw him throw something away and i wave quickly and took of quick. i am not sure if he waved back or not. i am not even sure what is going on anymore. could it be hallucinations? Also i sometimes think the worst is going to happen ,like my friend is going to tell on me for something