View Full Version : Anxiety Attack

04-10-2016, 10:57 AM
Hello All

I just wanted to share my thoughts. My biggest fear was having my appendix explode for many many years, I kept drilling it in me so badly that it will happen. Than I started saying stroke and heart attack and I got that drilled in my head badly. I went got stress test, ekg, chest x-rays, ultrasound and blood work I am healthy as can be that would be a huge relief. Not to a person who suffers attacks. I have been suffering anxiety attacks for over 20 years and it seems every year I have something new that bugs me or happens to me. The one that scares me the most is that my heart begins to race rapidly. Scary shit. I was on prozac before than went off it and than last week started taking it again.

04-10-2016, 03:00 PM
My advice is lol ; to spend more time on Dr. Google, ban bum on your internet connection. Smartphone taken away............

04-10-2016, 09:52 PM
My advice is lol ; to spend more time on Dr. Google, ban bum on your internet connection. Smartphone taken away............
lol ................