View Full Version : Amino Acid, Magnesium, And Natural Supplements

04-10-2016, 09:50 AM
Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've logged in.

I was wanting to try a supplement for anxiety but wanted to check here first.

So I looked up the Twin Lab aminos supplement that was mentioned here and another place. I read the ingredients and I definitely can't take it. It has maltodextrin and I can't take any artificial sweetener except Stevia.

I was thinking about going to the health food store and looking for a liquid one. Is this a good idea?

I have some Chelated magnesium capsules by Blue Bonnet. But I was gonna ask if they had a liquid because I've read the liquid is better and the dose can be controlled?

Also, there are two products I am interested in trying but am not sure if I should.

The first product is by Himalaya called stress care. It's an herbal anxiety supplement. Has anyone tried this brand before?

Also, what about a pro biotic? The person at the health food store showed one to me that was full of bacteria you're supposed to take. I've taken two other probiotics in the past and couldn't take them for more than a week because of severe stomach pain.
But I wanted to give this one a try.

Honestly, trying any new supplement increases my anxiety levels becaus I don't know how I'm going to react to it. I'm really sensitive to medications so trying anything new always increases my nerves.

Anyway, just looking for some extra help.
