View Full Version : Anxiety is...

04-08-2016, 02:36 AM
anxiety for me...

04-10-2016, 09:15 AM
anxiety for me...

anxiety is being scared for no reason
anxiety is being out of control
anxiety is thinking your heart is about to stop
anxiety is going to sleep not knowing if you're going to wake up
anxiety is saying good night to your wife thinking that will be the last thing you say to her
anxiety is wondering what that pain is in your arm and letting it freak you out
anxiety is focusing on your heart beat rather that watching the movie
anxiety is being an 18stone bodybuilder and feeling like the weakest person in the room
anxiety is trying not to let people see your hand shaking
anxiety is telling people you're ok when you feel terrified
anxiety is people thinking "you just have anxiety problems" when the realism you feel is horrific
anxiety is hoping you're still around when the baby is born
anxiety is not trusting your body
anxiety is driving my car thinking "if I can just make it to work, ill be fine"
anxiety is not going to the doctors because you will just be fobbed off again
anxiety is just getting on with life anyway
anxiety is reading this back and feeling stupid but remembering at the time being consumed by fear

Anxiety is (mental) resistance, and so it persists.

No matter the topic. Often having nothing to do with the conscious topic.