View Full Version : Does this make sense? Please Read and answer, thanks! (Just Wondering)

04-06-2016, 07:05 PM
Okay so basically I have been struggling with more or less constant anxiety for about 3-4 months now, however it was MUCH worse at first, when I say much, I mean much. I have had anxiety all my life which became agoraphobia at one point. This "episode" started with an attack that I let get out of control, and it seems I almost became sensitized after so all my worries about life BLEW-UP. I started worrying about my future, wayyy ahead in the future, how my agoraphobia will effect it and so on. This kept me constantly anxious, it was so bad at first, real bad. Couldn't eat, couldn't really drink, had NO interest in anything, hopelessness, constant anxiety, the list goes on. However I overcome that and started making small steps. I am now at some point in my recovery where I am doing much better, the thoughts/worries come and go, produce anxiety, etc. I see myself going crazy from the worry or being "stuck like this forever" in my head. So much that I am not really afraid of one day having to face my agora, not really afraid of this or that, I know I have much more than others, so it leads me to believe my real fear is the anxiety the thoughts produce in general, the anxiety it's self.. I broke them all down and OF COURSE, they all lead back to the fear of anxiety. I notice they only bother me a lot when I am anxious and can't accept. In reference to Dr. Claire Weekes, acceptance & floating, I was wondering if I follow commit myself to accepting my anxiety and/or flashes of panic, will this lead to relief from the thoughts? (funny I ask this considering they faded once I did that when I decided to start recovering) Maybe tonight is just an anxious night and I'm "afraid" to accept.. just wondering if anyone has been in this cycle and if accepting the anxiety was the true answer? Of course I added a couple other things to my recovery like positive thinking, making myself do daily tasks, exercise, etc. But this is the one big question I have: Will Accepting & floating (losing the fear of my anxiety) as Dr. Clare Weekes suggests, make me lost the fear of the thoughts and the anxiety it brings? I am so ready to fully accept, but so curious before I "let go"???? Okay so basically I have been struggling with more or less constant anxiety for about 3-4 months now, however it was MUCH worse at first, when I say much, I mean much. I have had anxiety all my life which became agoraphobia at one point. This "episode" started with an attack that I let get out of control, and it seems I almost became sensitized after so all my worries about life BLEW-UP. I started worrying about my future, wayyy ahead in the future, how my agoraphobia will effect it and so on. This kept me constantly anxious, it was so bad at first, real bad. Couldn't eat, couldn't really drink, had NO interest in anything, hopelessness, constant anxiety, the list goes on. However I overcome that and started making small steps. I am now at some point in my recovery where I am doing much better, the thoughts/worries come and go, produce anxiety, etc. I see myself going crazy from the worry or being "stuck like this forever" in my head. So much that I am not really afraid of one day having to face my agora, not really afraid of this or that, I know I have much more than others, so it leads me to believe my real fear is the anxiety the thoughts produce in general, the anxiety it's self.. I broke them all down and OF COURSE, they all lead back to the fear of anxiety. I notice they only bother me a lot when I am anxious and can't accept. In reference to Dr. Claire Weekes, acceptance & floating, I was wondering if I follow commit myself to accepting my anxiety and/or flashes of panic, will this lead to relief from the thoughts? (funny I ask this considering they faded once I did that when I decided to start recovering) Maybe tonight is just an anxious night and I'm "afraid" to accept.. just wondering if anyone has been in this cycle and if accepting the anxiety was the true answer? Of course I added a couple other things to my recovery like positive thinking, making myself do daily tasks, exercise, etc. But this is the one big question I have: Will Accepting & floating (losing the fear of my anxiety) as Dr. Clare Weekes suggests, make me lost the fear of the thoughts and the anxiety it brings? I am so ready to fully accept, but so curious before I "let go"???? How can I be so okay with the uncertainty of the future and almost excited one day, and the next it gives me a flash of panic!?

04-07-2016, 07:05 PM
No one can guarantee if "letting go" will fix your problems, but it's worth a try, yes? Why not!

P.S. No need to put the same post 3 times :)