View Full Version : need help -anxiety?

04-05-2016, 11:19 PM
First of all... hi everyone (new here ) i have never had any experiences, the ones i am about to tell you, and i am seeking help. For the last 2-3 months i am focusing on my heartbeat and my pulse rate. In the beginning the way i was checking my pulse was by touching tips of my thumb and middle fingers together, and now i started touching side of my neck. I also sometimes have weak pulse in my neck..at least what i think...during the day is stronger i believe. I don't know if this is because iam resting or something else. Another fear that i have is that i don't feel my heartbeat and what i usually do i look down on my chest to see if i can see just a little movement of my heart beating... its really messed up. Also i panic if my heart is beating too fast or too slow. I have many nights that i had problems falling asleep, because when i lay down and i don't feel my heartbeat i panic and i can't fall asleep !! i had times like i had that strange feeling in my head and thinking that my heart is about to beat fast... and just a minute later... it started beating very fast. During the day.. there are times when i don't think about it.. but still checking my pulse sometimes or most of the time. I quit smoking in the beginning of this year... and now i am trying to avoid drinking alcohol as much as possible, but i used to drink pretty much everyday. I had moment like 2-3 weeks that i felt dizzy...like something was inside my head.. making it spin or something. I didn't collapse, but i felt strange. This go away after 1 week. I had sleepless nights before that...maybe that was the reason...i also want to point out that i don't have any chest pains or pressures.... but i do have pretty high blood pressure... between 155-170 please help me..... i never had these things before... thank you Robert

04-07-2016, 02:38 AM
First of all... hi everyone (new here ) i have never had any experiences, the ones i am about to tell you, and i am seeking help. For the last 2-3 months i am focusing on my heartbeat and my pulse rate. In the beginning the way i was checking my pulse was by touching tips of my thumb and middle fingers together, and now i started touching side of my neck. I also sometimes have weak pulse in my neck..at least what i think...during the day is stronger i believe. I don't know if this is because iam resting or something else. Another fear that i have is that i don't feel my heartbeat and what i usually do i look down on my chest to see if i can see just a little movement of my heart beating... its really messed up. Also i panic if my heart is beating too fast or too slow. I have many nights that i had problems falling asleep, because when i lay down and i don't feel my heartbeat i panic and i can't fall asleep !! i had times like i had that strange feeling in my head and thinking that my heart is about to beat fast... and just a minute later... it started beating very fast. During the day.. there are times when i don't think about it.. but still checking my pulse sometimes or most of the time. I quit smoking in the beginning of this year... and now i am trying to avoid drinking alcohol as much as possible, but i used to drink pretty much everyday. I had moment like 2-3 weeks that i felt dizzy...like something was inside my head.. making it spin or something. I didn't collapse, but i felt strange. This go away after 1 week. I had sleepless nights before that...maybe that was the reason...i also want to point out that i don't have any chest pains or pressures.... but i do have pretty high blood pressure... between 155-170 please help me..... i never had these things before... thank you Robert

Hi don't waist time counting your heart beats it will make you only more nervous ,sometimes its various things that trigger it could be food, drinks, stress i would just go visit a Doctor to clear out everything so you could relax also when taking blood pressure you should take it 2 hours before or after taking coffee and should be siding down 5 min before taking i you need the 2 readings example 128/82 ? sometimes you worry about the pressure and the heart beats faster its a psychological effect anxiety good luck.

04-07-2016, 05:42 AM
I am in the same boat as you buddy. 2 yrs ago i had chest discomfort did all my testing for my heart came back positive. I think the high blood pressure comes from anxiety attacks. Get all your test done so you can rule out the major stress