View Full Version : Tips to Control Anger

04-05-2016, 09:22 AM
Anger is like a raging torrent: if something bugs it, then that something is overwhelmed and the debris creates even more destruction. However, there are practical strategies to control the flow and direct it toward our goals.

Remember your finger on the faucet
Have you ever, perhaps clearing a sink, to place a finger on the tap to get water jet more powerful? What happens if you make too much pressure with your finger? Of course, the jet goes out of control and you find yourself with water splashing everywhere. The same thing happens dealing with anger: if you try to suppress it, to plug the flow, the pressure will rise to the point that you’re not able to control the consequences anymore. Remove the “finger”, let the anger flow, accept it, watch it, do not starve your black wolf, just give to it what it takes to keep it on a leash and use the power to your advantage. Repression is always the wrong choice: when you feel the anger growing inside you, try to apply the technique of the 15 minutes: you’ve only to wait 15 minutes. Just watch the clock and focus on other things for 15 minutes. The suggestion also works perfectly with the outbursts.

Use the wide angle
Anger has the ability to make us consider the important things as frivolous while the insignificant ones as important. When we are angry we lose the perspective of the events and put our ego in front of the relations and to our long-term happiness. This is stupid. Next time you’re going to have a temper tantrum, try to make this simple question: “ Will this thing, for which I’m getting nervous, matter in 5 years?”. This question works as a wide-angle camera, helps you to break away from daily small fits of anger and see the big picture.

Put the anger in writing
The latter strategy is one of my favorites, but it cannot be applied when we are in the middle of a discussion. It will be, however, extremely useful for you to understand how you can effectively address your nervous energy. When you feel the anger inside, take a sheet of paper or open a note on your phone and answer these three questions: “Who / what is making me angry? Why this person or this event is making me so much upset? How can I act to use anger for my advantage?” This last question is the most important. Anger not only should not be suppressed, but should not be wasted in unnecessary explosions. Remember the archetype of the warrior? One of its distinguishing features is the positive aggressiveness, that inner strength that allows him to go over the limits of his comfort zone. Use the anger and turn it into positive aggression; ride the black wolf and use its strength to prove who you are and what you’re worth.I hope you will try to act in these ways, and do not try to repress your anger vents, I can guarantee that the situation can get worse, but I think you know it already.

Source of the tips: How to Control Anger (http://mind-globe.com/tips-to-control-anger/)

If you are interested, I recently published a Cherokee story about anger, that's an unedited version of the story of two wolves :)
You can find it here: Cherokee story of two wolves (http://mind-globe.com/how-control-anger-story-wolves/). Let me know if you like it.

Have a good day :)