View Full Version : Hard to explain bodily sensation

04-05-2016, 07:24 AM
I've dealt with anxiety for a long time now. I've dealt with many of the symptoms of anxiety but the one I'm experiencing lately is almost unbearable. I assume it's anxiety related even though my mind not be anxious at the time. It's like my body is constantly in anxiety mode even if my conscious mind isn't. I get this weird feeling like I'm not connected to my body. The only feeling I have of connection is that of electrical impulses. It's kind of a cloudy experience and it is there at all times. I've read about depersonalization and that is the closest thing I've been able to find that fits the description. It's getting in the way of my everyday activities because it's all I think about. It's all I'm aware of and conscious of. I'm not sure if this is something wrong with me or a side effect of medicine I'm on. I was just on risperidone but got changed to latuda which seems to have made it worse. I'm also on lithium and Ativan which I don't think are the causes. It gets so bad that I can't sit still at times. It's feels as though there is something else inside my body moving around. It is the most uncomfortable and torturous feeling one could feel besides chronic pain I would assume. I just wish I knew if this is medication related or a symptom of anxiety. If it's anxiety I am worried because anti anxiety meds have no effect on it. It's like it's in my subconscious. It's my primal being. I don't know if they have pills for that.

04-05-2016, 08:10 AM
Have you ever tried some relaxation technique?

I suggest you not to worry, it's a situation that'll be solved in a very short time. It is nothing related to medicines, just a sensation you had one time and obsessively focused on after.

Tell me if you have tried a 10-15 minute meditative session. Just to be at ease with yourself again.

04-05-2016, 10:11 AM
Hey Champ924,

"Common side effects of Latuda include psychomotor retardation, nausea, bradykinesia, parkinson's disease, akathisia, muscle rigidity, basal ganglia disease, drowsiness, cogwheel rigidity, tremor, hypokinesia, sedation, altered serum glucose, and drooling. Other side effects include oculogyric crisis, trismus, torticollis, dystonia, ***anxiety***, ***agitation***, increased serum prolactin, and weight gain. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects".

So, it's possible that Latuda is causing anxiety and / or agitation.

From http://www.drugs.com/answers/is-anyone-taking-latuda-for-bipolar-disorder-371580.html

"I posted earlier about the anxiety and sleep difficulties with latuda. I am currently taking 60mg, up from two weeks ago on 20mg for ten days. I have been suffering from the anxiety and restlessness others have described with various meds. Latuda is the first one I have been on this long, almost two weeks. I tried saphris, abilify and serroquel xl.The anxiety was compounded by losing twenty five pounds. (I am sick of trying to force feed myself to gain weight so I just started drinking Ensure to add weight. I know it can cause constipation.) Then I realized I wanted sugar, honey, and/or chocolate. The most satisfying was small spoonfuls of honey. The sugar was lacking from my new Latuda diet. I can't drink any sodas or eat junk food anymore and am drinking a lot of green tea and eating living foods as best I can besides the ensure. This is all new to me and I am grateful the honey helped stop a lot of the anxiety I have with this medication. It seems my diet has been given a one-eighty. This change is truly mind and personality blowing."

My previous post on depersonalization may be viewed at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33833-Fear-of-driving-alone-help&p=223381#post223381
In depersonalization, people feel that they aren't real, and in derealization they feel as though the world is unreal / insubstantial.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder: see http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989

Have you tried the acupressure tapping / EFT, or progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety?

04-05-2016, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the input. I have tried meditation. This is a physical reaction happening in my body. Meditation does help to relax my mind. My body does not relax though, no matter what. This has been going on for 9 months now, it's not just a one time thing.

I am worried that it is the Latuda even though the same stuff was happening before the Latuda when I was on Risperidone. They both have the same side effects. I want to get off of antipsychotics altogether because they all do this to some extent. Lately my body has been extra sensitive to those effects. I have tried tapping but this anxiety runs more deep than that. I've gotten massages, acupuncture, eat right, I exercise to exhaustion, which helps relieve the anxiety for a short time but it doesn't work deep enough to reach this unease and restlessness in my body. It feels like it's a burning flame that will never die.