View Full Version : Anxiety and DP/DR

04-04-2016, 12:31 AM
Hey everyone. I'm new to this site but I wanted to try it out. For the past two months, I have had raging anxiety. I've never suffered from it before in my life; not even anxiety before a major exam. I was drinking very very heavily, and I feel it was induced by the alcohol. I've cut down my alcohol intake by at least 95%, having only one or two drinks a week. However my anxiety doesn't seem to be reducing. I've written down my symptoms and I'm wondering if any of you feel anything similar;

Discomfort daily
Racing negative thoughts
Unsettling feeling: that you're in the wrong place or somethings off
Feelings of disconnect from others
Feelings of disconnect from who I once was
Discomfort in regards to personal thoughts, normal body functions, sleep
Fears; scared I will hurt people or myself - more so mental images: they cause fear and anxiety, using them as a way to mentally check I am not going crazy or can still feel normal emotion
Feel inability to worry or think the way other people do; feeling consumed by thoughts
Feeling slightly dazed
Mental pain
Mental exhaustion

I find the most troubling is thinking I am a completely different person. This was all started by one severe panic attack and for the past two months I've felt this almost everyday!
I'd like to mention that I do feel significantly better. I've seen a therapist and if anyone's feeling down or helpless, take it from a fellow sufferer that you do feel more like yourself the more days go on.

I'm just wondering if any of you feel similar symptoms. Thanks!

04-05-2016, 08:55 AM
I once had the two symptoms you mentioned:
-Feelings of disconnect from others
-Feelings of disconnect from who I once was

I know it's hard to deal with, but just try to talk with some friend, or people you used to meet. It will make you feel way better.