View Full Version : I'm freaking out bad... I think?

04-03-2016, 11:17 PM
So this is probably going to be a long read.... basically when I was younger in high school I had severe anxiety to the point I couldn't even go to school nothing was helping me so I eventually pushed myself to go and completely go over all of my anxiety I felt great for most of my teens and younger 20s. Fast forward I'm now 26 and my anxiety is back worse than ever... my mom recently passed at 52 from cancer and she was my best friend and the family is devistated. Now I constantly feel impending doom I always feel like I'm dying. My chest hurts my arms are numb my vision has gone to crap I have no energy so I had a sleep study done and I've been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea right around the time my mom passed.

So now everytime I go to bed I feel like I'm going to die and I've had ekgs done and a eCho amd they say my hearts fine but my blood pressure is higj and my pulse is always 100 or higher and I can feel my heart bumping like crazy when I get worked up I feel like I'm having a heart attack. The Dr says its anxiety but meds aren't helping and attacks can last for hours.

This is literally ruining my life I have no energy to work I'm scared to sleep so I don't I can't even smoke weed anymore because I have a panic attack everytime I do. I feel miserable with all types of different pains and symptoms and the drs can't tell me if this is real or in my head. I can't workout to lose weight because im scared my pulse Will go far above what it should my dr is even concerned but he has no idea what's wrong with me. I have no insurance or job so I'm basically stuck idk what to do...

04-04-2016, 09:50 PM
So this is probably going to be a long read.... basically when I was younger in high school I had severe anxiety to the point I couldn't even go to school nothing was helping me so I eventually pushed myself to go and completely go over all of my anxiety I felt great for most of my teens and younger 20s. Fast forward I'm now 26 and my anxiety is back worse than ever... my mom recently passed at 52 from cancer and she was my best friend and the family is devistated. Now I constantly feel impending doom I always feel like I'm dying. My chest hurts my arms are numb my vision has gone to crap I have no energy so I had a sleep study done and I've been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea right around the time my mom passed.

So now everytime I go to bed I feel like I'm going to die and I've had ekgs done and a eCho amd they say my hearts fine but my blood pressure is higj and my pulse is always 100 or higher and I can feel my heart bumping like crazy when I get worked up I feel like I'm having a heart attack. The Dr says its anxiety but meds aren't helping and attacks can last for hours.

This is literally ruining my life I have no energy to work I'm scared to sleep so I don't I can't even smoke weed anymore because I have a panic attack everytime I do. I feel miserable with all types of different pains and symptoms and the drs can't tell me if this is real or in my head. I can't workout to lose weight because im scared my pulse Will go far above what it should my dr is even concerned but he has no idea what's wrong with me. I have no insurance or job so I'm basically stuck idk what to do...

Can anyone offer advice or input that might help.

04-05-2016, 08:45 AM
Hi Gogetah,

Do you have any goal or task to do in this moment in your life, some thing you want to pursue/reach?

04-05-2016, 05:28 PM
Hi Gogetah,

Do you have any goal or task to do in this moment in your life, some thing you want to pursue/reach?

I don't know I want to get a job and start working out daily I feel like this will help a lot but my dr said to take it easy until we figure more out... but no money or insurance makes thay hard I also want to use a cpap until I lose weight and get possible surgery but again I can't afford it. When I stand up my pulse skyrockets and I get dizzy when I lay down I feel better. My arms are sore and numb I don't get how this can be anxiety... I hAve had tons of tests on my heart all show its fine. So I don't know what to do I guess my only option is to workout and get a job and ignore my dr until I have insurance and money. I'm just scared thay anyday now I'm gonna collapse.