View Full Version : any advise for chest pains

04-03-2016, 11:58 AM
hi does anyone suffer with similar chest pains to me and have any advice. my chest pain is more constant and not really like a panic attack or anything like that . ive had all the ecg and that and all ok. when i first started suffering with anxiety i didnt have chest pains , its more developed over time and i think is to do with tension. its like in the center of my chest ans top of my stomach / acid does effect it to. when im finally asleep it goes when i wake up its ok till i come round then it come bk . its stopping me doing alot in life

04-04-2016, 02:38 PM

I can totally relate, as I have chest pain anxiety too. It's even harder for me, as I have health anxiety, particularly heart anxiety. I'd recommend trying a magnesium supplement - that has helped me a lot. Also, meditation can help you relax, which will in return help your muscles to feel better. I use the Calm app (available for iOS and Android) for meditation. It's not the greatest, but it does the trick and it's free. Good luck!

04-05-2016, 03:36 AM

I can totally relate, as I have chest pain anxiety too. It's even harder for me, as I have health anxiety, particularly heart anxiety. I'd recommend trying a magnesium supplement - that has helped me a lot. Also, meditation can help you relax, which will in return help your muscles to feel better. I use the Calm app (available for iOS and Android) for meditation. It's not the greatest, but it does the trick and it's free. Good luck!

i have health and heart anxiety mate to. so every thing i have is connected to there . and i think im having heart attack . funny i never get any pain in my leg or anything everything is chest a shoulders aria

04-05-2016, 08:46 AM
Don't think about it and don't focus on it. It's muscular stress or something similar.