View Full Version : New here...

03-29-2016, 03:13 AM
Hi, didn't really know Where else to really go.

I've been dealing with anxiety for a long time, it's only till recently that I've come to understand what it is and that when I was younger, I also suffered from it.

It's gotten worse over the past couple of years, and significantly worse over the past year or so.
The depression has also been getting worse and worse, which I think is probably a side effect of the anxiety

But, with all the negatives thoughts, I am doing okay. I'm usually able to get through things if I just try to keep my head in a rational state, though that's not always easy.

One thing that I always do is overthink social situations. When someone asks me to do hangout or go do something, my mind always starts to think of all the things that could ever go wrong (when in reality it's unlikely anything bad will happen) and I usually end up saying I can't hangout, often times I'll lie and say I have other things going on.

This weekend I canceled on an extremely good opportunity to play a show (I'm a musician) at a well known venue in my city and I told my band that I couldn't do it, and in the midst of the anxiety and depression I was feeling at the time, told my band that I needed a break.

So now I'm out of a band, I don't have any opportunity to release my feelings through performing which previously served as an outlet, because I quit.

Anyway... Rant over.

I really wish I could understand why I'm constantly trying to find reasons to not do things or take opportunities that are really good for me. I'm feeling pretty low about everything.

Anyone else have this problem?