View Full Version : Update on Skipped Beats

03-26-2016, 06:23 PM
Just wanted to a little update on my skipped heart beats, the burden of my life. They are still here and still interfering with everything. The last few days have been bad having several really strong ones but only ever it seems at night? I also think there is a strong connection between then and indigestion or something? when i have a bad bought of them i feel really bloated before hand? and then for the nest hour i will have then followed by a lot of burping? Just cant stand the feeling of these strong skips.

Can anyone relate?

03-27-2016, 03:55 AM
Just wanted to a little update on my skipped heart beats, the burden of my life. They are still here and still interfering with everything. The last few days have been bad having several really strong ones but only ever it seems at night? I also think there is a strong connection between then and indigestion or something? when i have a bad bought of them i feel really bloated before hand? and then for the nest hour i will have then followed by a lot of burping? Just cant stand the feeling of these strong skips.

Can anyone relate?

Hello I also get them once in a while they last 7-15 days it's an awful feel,did all cardio test and all was normal the reason why you feel it more after eating the indigestion and bloating will make you feel them more,try to eat slower, sometimes they are triggered by foods and emotional stress, good luck

03-27-2016, 05:39 AM
Hello I also get them once in a while they last 7-15 days it's an awful feel,did all cardio test and all was normal the reason why you feel it more after eating the indigestion and bloating will make you feel them more,try to eat slower, sometimes they are triggered by foods and emotional stress, good luck

I've had them for the best part of 4 years with some days none and other days one or two or loads! Some are really strong others not too bad. But last few days I've had episodes of loads only at night