View Full Version : Are my medication working?!

Ari Magnússon
03-25-2016, 08:04 PM
Hi, I have been dealing with generalized anxiety disorder. I went to see the doctor when I started having panic attacks about 4 weeks ago. I was prescribed zoloft and lorazepam 1mg twice a day. At first I felt better and the panic attacks went away. I started off with Zoloft 50mg and gradually increased to 150mg a week ago. Since I was upped to 150mg everything has been going downhill again. I have trouble eating, my stomach is acting weird and cramping. I have moments in the day where I feel like a zombie. Has anyone experienced this before, do you think the medication is working for me? I see my doctor Monday and I am very confused with what is going on.

03-26-2016, 12:54 AM
My doctor wanted me taking 150. I felt too weird. I ended up doing fine on 50. He said it wouldn't be enough but it was all I needed. Remember, every person reacts differently. Good luck