View Full Version : This is for religious Christians

03-25-2016, 05:41 PM
For the last year i have been serious and trying to practice faith as much as possible. So i have the following question for christian SAer's who are religious and passionate about this: why hasn't god cured your social anxiety? I asked many of the evangelists and they always tell me god will cure my social anxiety if i do everything in his will, but sometimes i see religious christian SAer's who still have social anxiety so this sometimes makes me skeptical. It's hard to stay faithful when i see this, just being honest.

03-25-2016, 07:19 PM
If it's in a public forum Moses199 - it's open to anyone in the public to respond; albeit you intention to hear from those that profess to be practicing Christians.

Having said that - I used to be a http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/quotation-sign-smiley-emoticon.gif Christian http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/quotation-sign-smiley-emoticon.gif. I was brainwashed in a Christian house hold well into my immature adult years. From my point of view, I find it interesting that it would take an "evangelical" to tell of another what they should or should not do. [especially in matters of angst - srry but LMFAO on that one) It's in such tellings that the ingredients are stirred and anxiety begins to set. Religion is spawn of such shoulds and should nots. Religion by its very nature is founded by instilling fear, though it be through a veil of deception otherwise sold as love.

By it's nature - Christianity and the religious dogma on which it's based ... preaches love, but then also enslaves. Ephesians 6:5 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+6%3A5&version=ESV)

Now we could go on and on about context to which the Bible is rather unclear. Contextual bantering just leads to debate - (troll party) - thus such words are often torn to shreds and violence ensues. For sure there are "some" good "stories" with good messages, but there is as much contradiction and inciting of evil too.

It's understandable that you only want to hear from those who are "passionate" and believe in the faith as you - but don't kid yourself that those of us that have freed ourselves from such a bind; that we are not capable of answering such begging of the question. In fact - the truth is often more than one can bare, which again - gives more reason to your limiting of those who you say are apt to respond.

The reason your "faith" does not cure anxiety, is because in the context of the Christian faith, all sources for peace are based on the external. The guy with no arms or legs who inspires with the sharing of his testimony as he goes from school to school - The reason he is empowered to live life to it's fullest despite no arms or no legs -------> is because he believes in himself - not just some figment to whom without a doubt this legless and armless man sees as something else. Let's give credit where credit is due - not to the method nor the teacher, but instead to the student who teachers the teacher.

Dude - "Moses199" - you need to start believing in yourself. You won't get anywhere basing your own answers from observing the lives of others. Christians are really great at that too. More so in the judging and less in the observing.

So instead of looking for religious christian SAer's who you claim have social anxiety - look more into the topic of "inner dialogue" Here - I do you a favor and help you escape the breeding ground of Anxiety - Check out the following:

Self-Inquiry - Dawn of the Witness and the End of Suffering (http://www.amazon.com/Self-Inquiry-Dawn-Witness-Suffering-Enlightenment/dp/0980052203)

All the best - if you really want to hear from passionate Christians - you could try asking this question in a Christian forum. Most anxiety sufferers in here are typically the way they are due to such ideals. Such is also the reason that threads with a pro christian tone typically end up in a negative spin; especially in a place of byproduct - such as this.

If you want to cut those of us out who are not up to your criteria, then you will do better to aim your probing in a place that is more suited.

Look forward to your reply - who knows, perhaps an X-Christian will do?

03-28-2016, 08:30 AM
For the last year i have been serious and trying to practice faith as much as possible. So i have the following question for christian SAer's who are religious and passionate about this: why hasn't god cured your social anxiety? I asked many of the evangelists and they always tell me god will cure my social anxiety if i do everything in his will, but sometimes i see religious christian SAer's who still have social anxiety so this sometimes makes me skeptical. It's hard to stay faithful when i see this, just being honest.

As a Christian I have learned to expect nothing and you will never be disappointed. That said, (conflicted, yes), (struggle, yes,) (confused, somewhat,) (angry, often )...etc.... Faith, a must if you wish to continue to believe.

The only person, God, or thing that will cure your SA is you, rely on no one.

I have learned from experience in the Church that God is given credit for all that is good " Its a miracle they are cure, praise be to God" and none of the bad "They died, it was just their time" I always had conflicted feelings about this, I question everything, to being somewhat of an outcast in my religious community. I think perhaps we a taught wrong...I recently read an article stating such, but have not had time to study it in depth. Also I remember that our religious beliefs are filtered to through the interpretations of man, so there are obviously errors and mistakes, so always question, never take anyone's word and study and research for yourself.

Just a side note one of the best things I ever did was take several Religion courses in college that looked at the Bible from a historical perspective.

03-28-2016, 09:08 AM
There you go, no place free of fanatics. I am getting out of it

03-28-2016, 09:55 AM
There you go, no place free of fanatics. I am getting out of it

I hope I did not come across as a fanatic, or in a bad way...not my intention.

03-28-2016, 10:30 AM
Gadguy no you had not but I have a very bad experiences with religious fanatics even here, on forum, which is not the place for that subject. As Ponder pointed it is forum for people who want to get help for anxiety or advice or even just talk about their signs. Whole world see now what religious extremists do; killing people, raping children, torturing, devastating all art pieces, Look what is happening around you? Be happy that you do not live in Europe now. Anyway we all know about Mr. Jones and tons of like him. Religion is just politics and brain washing so people who do not think for themselves let others assholes do it. sorrrrrrrrrrry or maybe not

03-28-2016, 11:06 AM
Gadguy no you had not but I have a very bad experiences with religious fanatics even here, on forum, which is not the place for that subject. As Ponder pointed it is forum for people who want to get help for anxiety or advice or even just talk about their signs. Whole world see now what religious extremists do; killing people, raping children, torturing, devastating all art pieces, Look what is happening around you? Be happy that you do not live in Europe now. Anyway we all know about Mr. Jones and tons of like him. Religion is just politics and brain washing so people who do not think for themselves let others assholes do it. sorrrrrrrrrrry or maybe not

I understand, many follow blindly. Best wishes.

03-28-2016, 01:43 PM
The sickness (cancer) that is often refereed to in this perpetual cycle of fear, (so typically associated with religion and belief) is spawn from those that lead, teach and preach. It matters not if one follows blindly or not; the result is the same.

To let go of fear, is best released by first understanding that it does not come from within or even just deserved, but that it is given, taught, and or handed down from someone other than yourself. If self comes into it, it's an Egoic one/Mind.

Religion and Culture give, teach and create fear in the name of God, Money, Status and deceptively do so from the moment we are born and through our entire lives. It's ingrained - deep seeded; that's why its so hard to break the chains. You don't even have to believe to feel the negative effects.

Thankfully, there is a change taking place. Many call it the second coming, (same story different beings) - Others call it a shift, and then there are those who name it none other than the tipping point. Take your pick.

I'm all for living in peace, without fear - no matter the pain and or reality of which I choose to see.

If you don't like what you see; then choose another path, nothing is stopping you - but possibly some limiting belief.

The Intolerable Kid
03-30-2016, 08:38 AM
You ask "why hasn't god cured your social anxiety?"
I had a similar question once. My question was about my very devout, wonderful, self-sacrificing Grandmother. I wondered why she was slowly tortured to death by Altzheimer's disease over the course of almost 10 years. I asked my Mother this and she could provide no explanation as to how this figured in to a mighty divine plan. She said to "ask god." What nonsense. So we sat through a bunch of wake and funeral rituals. I participated because I wanted to honor my Grandmother, but the parts where god gets credit for everything good that happened to her and is blameless for all her misery were hard to stomach. Normally I find superstition just laughable, but in this case I found it offensive.
The crux of these inquiries seems to be that both of us wonder about the presence of evil in a world allegedly controlled by an omnipotent, omnibenevolent being. The question you ask brings to mind some points of logic and Epicurus. Here's something I read that seems to quantify it nicely:
1) If an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent god exists, then evil does not.
2) There is evil in the world.
3) Therefore, an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God does not exist.
Basically it does not pay to be superstitious. You're on your own and responsible for taking care of your SA. That doesn't mean you won't find people or things that might help you, but believing in magic will not help you. Funneling energy into superstitions is, in my opinion, a waste of that energy.
Good luck to you, I hope your struggle with SA meets with some success.