View Full Version : Get a cold, anxiety gone... get better, anxiety back. (3x)

09-28-2008, 11:15 AM
Three times now I've gotten a cold and during the weaker part of being sick the anxiety is gone. Does anyone have any insight or experience on this? Any thoughts? I hoping to learn something more from this. Thanks

09-28-2008, 11:32 AM
that is kinda odd! could it have something to do with how you're taking care of yourself when you're sick? do you tend to take any extra supplements like vitamin C or echinacea? or are you eating better to nourish yourself a bit more when you're under the weather? or do you stop eating or drinking certain things? or smoke less or something?

take a look at your behaviour towards yourself when you're sick, any little changes or things you're doing differently, the key might be in there?

09-28-2008, 03:55 PM
I don't know if there is anything I do differently at the beginning. With being sick a feeling of being relaxed comes over me before I even realize I'm sick. The constant muscle tension is gone, it's wonderful. I do hit the Vitamin C and Echinacea after I realize I'm sick. I don't know if my body is just too fatigued to tense up or what, but gosh, there has got to be something to this.

09-28-2008, 04:41 PM
I was completely astonished when I read your post as I find my anxiety disappears as well during a cold or flu! I honestly felt it was such a far fetched idea that I simply dismissed it. Its really bizarre theory but now that someone else has shared the same experience I totally agree that there must be something in it. I also come across all peaceful and its almost as if my subconscious is instinctively but quietly diverting its attention to something else more important. I usually have a couple of glasses of wine in the evening to take the edge off my anxiety and help chill me out before bed but when I'm suffering a cold or flue I give it a miss. I’m chilled enough without it. How odd.

09-28-2008, 07:16 PM
Hummm.... my sisters currently have the flu and I have been avoiding them like the plague but now that you guys mention it........ Either way that sound VERY odd. There must be a connection here somewhere. What exactly does the flu attack???? There is something here somewhere.

09-28-2008, 11:39 PM
That has happened to me in ways and I think I can shed some great insight on the situation, when you get sick your concentrating on the ilness so you are protected for a period over the anxiety issues. When I used to become ill if I wasnt felling well, I would say it is my ilness and I will be fine= NO ANXIETY. When I was better an ache or problem omg im diegggggggggggggg ANXIETY. So you can blame aches and scary problems on your cold or illness, but when you fell better and the fear of not knowing sick ANXIETY. Let me know if that helped get better..... GOD BLESS.

09-30-2008, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the input Pokerguy. I think I know what you're saying. Before I knew I had anxiety I often felt comforted when I could prove other things were wrong with me thus that I wasn't going crazy. But I have come to terms with the fact that I have anxiety, I'm almost fully aware of it when it happens now. It is still nice to have something to tell people, an excuse, but there is still something more to this. Maybe when I'm sick I'm just too fatigued to be anxious? Maybe it keeps the muscle tension from building up?

09-30-2008, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the comment elgrande, it's good to hear that someone else has experienced this. Maybe you're right, maybe my sub-concous is dealing with the definite danger of the cold?