View Full Version : update on Lexapro weening

03-24-2016, 11:25 AM
Lets see its been about a month since I went from 20mg of lex to 10mg.....so far so good and noticed no changes in mood..some of my OCD about cleaning has comeback, but I desperately needed a kick in the butt in that department. Monday I dropped the dosage to 5mg and will try this for a month. DR seems to think I will have to stay on Lex at about 10mgs and does not think I can manage on 5mgs.

So today is day 4, i have immediately noticed problems going to sleep..with or without CPAP machine. I blame this partially on the full moon this week, it has always played havoc with my sleep patterns, so this is not best week to judge. I am dreaming more and have noticed an increase in nightmares, however I am still well rested, so I am getting better sleep than I did pre CPAP machine. I am also more irritable, people get on my nerves, but I know I have to remember I am the one with the problem not them. We shall see if I am able to make the adjustments needed to be med free.

03-28-2016, 08:06 AM
Lets see its been about a month since I went from 20mg of lex to 10mg.....so far so good and noticed no changes in mood..some of my OCD about cleaning has comeback, but I desperately needed a kick in the butt in that department. Monday I dropped the dosage to 5mg and will try this for a month. DR seems to think I will have to stay on Lex at about 10mgs and does not think I can manage on 5mgs.

So today is day 4, i have immediately noticed problems going to sleep..with or without CPAP machine. I blame this partially on the full moon this week, it has always played havoc with my sleep patterns, so this is not best week to judge. I am dreaming more and have noticed an increase in nightmares, however I am still well rested, so I am getting better sleep than I did pre CPAP machine. I am also more irritable, people get on my nerves, but I know I have to remember I am the one with the problem not them. We shall see if I am able to make the adjustments needed to be med free.

Add to the list, severe headache and muscle pain. I did break down this weekend a revert back to 10mgs, just to get through. The nights have been rough, hard to shutdown and sleep and nightmares are back. I guess its all withdrawal symptoms. I start back on 5mg today..fingers crossed that I can adjust. I hated going back to 10mgs but i had so much going on this weekend and needed to be on top of my game for the weekends events. On a positive note OCD is getting my home back in order...took 6 bags and 2 boxes to Goodwill this morning and several bags to dump.

salvator here
03-31-2016, 10:51 PM
Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, you've really come a long way. Actually, I think my cold turkey method of getting of meds was more detrimental than helpful, but it is what it is. Sometimes when things are going rough, its needed to return to that maintenance dosage. I'm sorry, in that, I don't know everything you are going through, but it sounds like you are steadfast on becoming med free someday. I'm off my SSRI and other psych meds and I feel more human, I rather just take a Valium as needed . Sure, I do struggle to keep sane (and I use that term sanity loosely), and I take things day-to-day and just expect some unknown WD symptoms (some take up to 6 months or longer to pass), but it was worth it in the end. I won't worry until I really show signs of mania to even consider going back on all the pills.

2 things jumped out at me here, 1 being, the full moon also messes me up. I feel mentally all over the place during these times. 2nd being, getting rid of old clutter in the house. I don't know about you, but keeping items around for nostalgic reasons only keeps me stuck in the past and holds me back. Several years ago, I finally decided to just rid myself of sentimental items and it was very helpful to me in moving forward.

Anyway, I'm not sure how helpful this was, but I wish you the best.

04-01-2016, 06:26 AM
Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, you've really come a long way. Actually, I think my cold turkey method of getting of meds was more detrimental than helpful, but it is what it is. Sometimes when things are going rough, its needed to return to that maintenance dosage. I'm sorry, in that, I don't know everything you are going through, but it sounds like you are steadfast on becoming med free someday. I'm off my SSRI and other psych meds and I feel more human, I rather just take a Valium as needed . Sure, I do struggle to keep sane (and I use that term sanity loosely), and I take things day-to-day and just expect some unknown WD symptoms (some take up to 6 months or longer to pass), but it was worth it in the end. I won't worry until I really show signs of mania to even consider going back on all the pills.

2 things jumped out at me here, 1 being, the full moon also messes me up. I feel mentally all over the place during these times. 2nd being, getting rid of old clutter in the house. I don't know about you, but keeping items around for nostalgic reasons only keeps me stuck in the past and holds me back. Several years ago, I finally decided to just rid myself of sentimental items and it was very helpful to me in moving forward.

Anyway, I'm not sure how helpful this was, but I wish you the best.

Thanx for the reply, it seems that I have overed the current withdrawal symptoms, and have started sleeping much better. The moon...I'm glad I am not the only one it messes up, sometimes I feel like I may be part werewolf. LOL

04-03-2016, 12:17 AM
Why are you wanting to get off lex? Is it not working? Anyhow my advice is to go VERY slow because withdraws kick you in the butt a month after you go down it doesn't happen right away... I would also have some things in mind to get you through it if it is rough for you... it seems some people can get off it very easily. I would suggested about a year long taper at minimum.

Take care,

04-04-2016, 07:16 AM
Why are you wanting to get off lex? Is it not working? Anyhow my advice is to go VERY slow because withdraws kick you in the butt a month after you go down it doesn't happen right away... I would also have some things in mind to get you through it if it is rough for you... it seems some people can get off it very easily. I would suggested about a year long taper at minimum.

Take care,

Why? I am handling my anxiety much better, I have unlearned some behaviors, have accepted some realities and after a life time of sleep issues I finally got help for my insomnia and sleep much better...So overall I am handling my anxiety much better and so far not letting it ramp up to the crippling levels that it got to. I know I will have set backs but I am hoping that I can handle those better than i did in the past.

Very slow...Currently under doctors guidance with the tapering...so far withdrawals have only lasted a week or two each time I lower the dosage...last week and this past weekend I had a couple of "brain shocks" hope the pass soon.

My goal is to be med free by end of year...if I can handle it. I have realized over the past year that these meds although helpful are also poisons and the less of them the better. I speak only for myself.