View Full Version : panic attacks in public

Avia Juliet
03-23-2016, 11:53 AM
My anxiety has been really bad the past month. I know what's causing the anxiety, and I'm trying to work out those problems but it hasn't been easy. The past month has been filled with tons of anxiety and even panic attacks, which is a first for me. When all of this first started there was about a week where I was having multiple panic attacks a day and couldn't eat, sleep, or leave my house.. I could barely leave my bedroom! After that week things were slowly getting better, and pretty soon I was eating normally again and was really only anxious when I went out in public. Every time I did I would either have or be very close to having a panic attack. After I went out a few times this kind of subsided and I finally felt like myself again! But it was pretty short lived.. It lasted maybe a week before something triggered my anxiety again. It's definitely not as bad as last time, but it still feels like I'm back to the beginning. A lot of the anxiety has to do with food, and while I'm able to eat this time (unlike last time), I'm scared to because I often end up feeling anxious afterwards. But I've been feeling better the past few days and was kind of itching to get out of the house, so I did.. and I had a panic attack. I barely made it out of the store to the car! I feel like it was most likely because I ate dinner last night. Not that I don't usually eat dinner, but my anxiety is the worst around like 5-8pm (and we eat dinner at about 7) and so I usually wait to eat until 10 or 11. If I wait, I'm fine. But if I eat at dinner time I end up feeling anxious and sick all night. However, I ate dinner last night and felt perfectly fine so I thought I would be fine to go out. Obviously I was wrong..

I'm just so frustrated! And I have very mixed feelings now.. I thought I was getting better.. and even today, right now, I feel pretty good. It's like last night seems like it should be a step back, but it doesn't feel like it was? Does that make sense? I just don't know what to do.. I think the panic attacks are more because of food than just going out in public. Like I feel 10x better if I'm hungry when I go out, but if I eat right beforehand then I'll most likely feel very anxious and possibly have a panic attack. But either way I'm worried now.. last night was probably the worst one I've had in public; and it left me feeling like crap for the rest of the night. So I'm worried that I'll have a panic attack because of food, but then I'm worried that I'll have one just because of the fear I have of having one. Help!

03-23-2016, 12:24 PM
Panic attacks happen for many different reasons. When I first started having mine, I was like you. Could barely eat or sleep and felt my heartbeat was going a mile a minute after I did eat. I had to push myself every day. It was NOT easy but I just kept at it. I kept thinking oh my goodness am I going to feel this way forever? I went to the store one night and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, it was awful. Are you on any medication? I finally got some and let me tell you, it made a word of difference for me. I still get the anxiety and sometimes feel like a panic attack is coming on but I know how to talk myself down now. Another thing to think about is maybe talking to someone. I do and it's so nice to get things off my chest. Taking walks also helps me.

Just a few suggestions. :) Good luck and keep pushing yourself, it will get better with time.

Avia Juliet
03-23-2016, 12:42 PM
Panic attacks happen for many different reasons. When I first started having mine, I was like you. Could barely eat or sleep and felt my heartbeat was going a mile a minute after I did eat. I had to push myself every day. It was NOT easy but I just kept at it. I kept thinking oh my goodness am I going to feel this way forever? I went to the store one night and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, it was awful. Are you on any medication? I finally got some and let me tell you, it made a word of difference for me. I still get the anxiety and sometimes feel like a panic attack is coming on but I know how to talk myself down now. Another thing to think about is maybe talking to someone. I do and it's so nice to get things off my chest. Taking walks also helps me.

Just a few suggestions. :) Good luck and keep pushing yourself, it will get better with time.

No, I'm not on any medication. I'm not totally against it or anything, but I would prefer not to take it.. And yes, talking definitely does help. I would like to try therapy, but I can't afford it :/ I do have a close friend though, who has kind of been my savior throughout this. I don't know what I would do without her! And maybe I'll try going on walks, I feel like that would be good for me.. Thanks for the suggestions :)

03-24-2016, 01:44 AM
I would suggest some calming music, meditation, and chamomile tea. Try yoga or tai chi as well. There are also certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can continue to anxiety symptoms.

Srdjan Vujicic
03-24-2016, 03:19 AM
Look forward, don't give up.

This is my experience:

My first panic attack was in the shopping centre, i didn't know what happening, i thought i would die, seriously. I just ran to the rest room and lock myself there, half an hour i was there, scared. I don't know how i get out from that bathroom and came home, i really don't know. Next panic attack i had in coffee shop, that was freaky. I felt big pressure and hard breathing plus awful feeling that i will die. After that i spoke with my family and i decide to visit a psychiatrist, and that was perfect idea, just talking with psychiatrist is great for me. He gave me some medication and i feel better now, much better. Sometimes when i have panic attack i just breath slowly and deep, in that way i calm myself and feeling awesome. Don't give up