View Full Version : A few questions

03-23-2016, 10:33 AM
My first thread was never posted so will try this again.

I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and panic attacks probably 12 years ago. Horrible stuff. The medicine my doctor put me on got me straightened out for the most part. A few years ago he switched my medicine up but the one did not agree with me. Now he has all but weaned me off of one of the medicines. He is afraid of my body becoming addicted to it which i can appreciate his concern.

So to the meat of my thread: I feel like I almost back to where I was 12 years ago. I am not having panic attacks but I am back to being/feeling dizzy or disoriented too often. I even had a slight blackout which put me in the hospital. Every test under the sun came back normal. Does anyone elses anxiety affect them with any of these symptoms? DIZZY, DISORIENTED or BLACKOUTS?

THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!

03-23-2016, 12:26 PM
Dizziness...yes. I've never been disoriented or had a blackout though. I agree, horrible stuff!