View Full Version : Can Anxiety Cause Chest Pain

03-22-2016, 09:39 PM

You may or may not know from my previous post, I suffer from severe anxiety about my heart health after seeing my dad have a sudden cardiac arrest. I'm only 14, so it's very doubtful that I would have heart issues (and I had an EKG done a month ago that was perfectly normal), but just recently I've started getting sudden, sharp chest pains. They are usually just in one specific spot, and normally around the center of the chest. It's scaring the heck out of me, and I'm absolutely paranoid about it. It's making me miserable! I'm so scared that it's a heart problem, even though all reasonable logic says it's not. I just don't know what to do.. I know, I know, it's not logical that it would be a heart problem, but my brain is just stuck on it.. I can't escape it.. I need help! (For more info about my anxiety, please refer to my last post. This post is specifically about chest pain as a symptom.)

03-22-2016, 10:04 PM
Yes, anxiety can most definitely cause chest pain. I was in the same boat as you. Still worry from time to time. Went to the emergency room because I was afraid I was having a heart attack. My ticker is just fine. It is still a thought that is very hard to shake, no matter how much anyone tells you you're fine. Some things that were extremely helpful to me were: magnesium citramate, vitamin d, prayer/meditation, binaural beats (whether they actually did something or were just a placebo effect doesn't matter to me, it helped. ) chamomile tea, and a cortisol manager. Just do a little research on things. Google can be your best friend. Good luck. Stay strong

03-23-2016, 08:23 AM
Thanks, glad to see I'm not alone!

03-26-2016, 09:14 PM
Since you're so young I recommend nipping your anxiety and your phobia in the butt as soon as you can before It can take a stronghold in your life permanently.the only way you're going to be able to do that is for you to face your fears. you have to overpower your irrational thoughts.

Boo Bass
03-27-2016, 07:21 AM
Since you're so young I recommend nipping your anxiety and your phobia in the butt as soon as you can before It can take a stronghold in your life permanently.the only way you're going to be able to do that is for you to face your fears. you have to overpower your irrational thoughts.

How do you overpower irratipnal thoigjts? Please tell me too

03-28-2016, 10:42 AM
How do you overpower irratipnal thoigjts? Please tell me too

You can try some methods like self talk, evidence, and distraction. Distraction has been the most helpful to me. As soon as you catch yourself saying "what if" or "OH NO! I'm DYING," tell yourself (and imagine) STOP! Then, quickly change the subject and start thinking of something totally unrelated. It's not an easy battle, but you have to try your hardest. I'm no expert, as I still suffer from severe anxiety, but that has helped me a lot!

03-28-2016, 02:19 PM
I surely agree with thatdrummerdude, you have to find distractions.

Eve setting goals can be good. For instance, suppose you set a goal you want to reach, then if you try to focus on that task you may finally reach the goal, feeling at ease with yourself. You will feel satisfied and rewarded by the results you obtained.

Setting a task or a job to complete is fundamental for taking your concentration away from of worrying about bad feelings. When you feel like you are having a panic attack, be stronger and think about the goals and the outcomes you want to pursue.

Think about how to make things better.

03-28-2016, 10:32 PM

You may or may not know from my previous post, I suffer from severe anxiety about my heart health after seeing my dad have a sudden cardiac arrest. I'm only 14, so it's very doubtful that I would have heart issues (and I had an EKG done a month ago that was perfectly normal), but just recently I've started getting sudden, sharp chest pains. They are usually just in one specific spot, and normally around the center of the chest. It's scaring the heck out of me, and I'm absolutely paranoid about it. It's making me miserable! I'm so scared that it's a heart problem, even though all reasonable logic says it's not. I just don't know what to do.. I know, I know, it's not logical that it would be a heart problem, but my brain is just stuck on it.. I can't escape it.. I need help! (For more info about my anxiety, please refer to my last post. This post is specifically about chest pain as a symptom.)

Since you've had those tests done you should use that as a relief that all your going through is anxiety and not anything else. I was in your boat 5 years ago and I'm back at again with chest pain myself/anxiety

But this time around now that I know what it is... Just ignoring it / meditation / relaxation / progressive muscle relaxation/ music is the best thing to get your mind off the thoughts of chest pain. It eventually goes away. Staying away from sugar/caffein/drugs/stimulants helps. (Lookup Bach rescue remedy) it's a fast acting anxiety aid.

High levels of magnesium helps with my chest pain about 1000-1200mg until you feel better / not to mention magnesium is one of the best relaxation minerals for anxiety. It stops 99% of my heart palpitations I used to have from anxiety. I now maintenance on around 650mg / also B complex / A good multivitamin is great for stress.

Lastly prevention is the best thing you can do to avoid all anxiety.. Every time I get anxiety in my life my lifestyle was out of balance for a period of time before anxiety hits.
-Diet is horrible (Fast food / processed foods / sugars / too much carbs)
-No exercise due to overworking
-Lack of sleep due to work
-A trigger like marijuana or stimulants like caffein/energy drinks / lots of sugar

So managing those things and taking care of yourself is key to preventing it. If you can't get over anxiety yourself.. Ide reccomend getting on medication for it shortly ... And the minute you start feeling better make exercise / healthy eating / sleep a priority. And when you get off the meds keep it up and you won't have to get back on them.

I did that and I was fine for 4 years until my lifestyle became out of balance. I'm currently trying to fight my anxiety naturally as I have thyroid issues.

03-29-2016, 07:01 AM
Since you've had those tests done you should use that as a relief that all your going through is anxiety and not anything else. I was in your boat 5 years ago and I'm back at again with chest pain myself/anxiety

But this time around now that I know what it is... Just ignoring it / meditation / relaxation / progressive muscle relaxation/ music is the best thing to get your mind off the thoughts of chest pain. It eventually goes away. Staying away from sugar/caffein/drugs/stimulants helps. (Lookup Bach rescue remedy) it's a fast acting anxiety aid.

High levels of magnesium helps with my chest pain about 1000-1200mg until you feel better / not to mention magnesium is one of the best relaxation minerals for anxiety. It stops 99% of my heart palpitations I used to have from anxiety. I now maintenance on around 650mg / also B complex / A good multivitamin is great for stress.

Lastly prevention is the best thing you can do to avoid all anxiety.. Every time I get anxiety in my life my lifestyle was out of balance for a period of time before anxiety hits.
-Diet is horrible (Fast food / processed foods / sugars / too much carbs)
-No exercise due to overworking
-Lack of sleep due to work
-A trigger like marijuana or stimulants like caffein/energy drinks / lots of sugar

So managing those things and taking care of yourself is key to preventing it. If you can't get over anxiety yourself.. Ide reccomend getting on medication for it shortly ... And the minute you start feeling better make exercise / healthy eating / sleep a priority. And when you get off the meds keep it up and you won't have to get back on them.

I did that and I was fine for 4 years until my lifestyle became out of balance. I'm currently trying to fight my anxiety naturally as I have thyroid issues.

Thank you for the reply!

03-29-2016, 08:58 AM
Since you've had those tests done you should use that as a relief that all your going through is anxiety and not anything else. I was in your boat 5 years ago and I'm back at again with chest pain myself/anxiety

But this time around now that I know what it is... Just ignoring it / meditation / relaxation / progressive muscle relaxation/ music is the best thing to get your mind off the thoughts of chest pain. It eventually goes away. Staying away from sugar/caffein/drugs/stimulants helps. (Lookup Bach rescue remedy) it's a fast acting anxiety aid.

High levels of magnesium helps with my chest pain about 1000-1200mg until you feel better / not to mention magnesium is one of the best relaxation minerals for anxiety. It stops 99% of my heart palpitations I used to have from anxiety. I now maintenance on around 650mg / also B complex / A good multivitamin is great for stress.

Lastly prevention is the best thing you can do to avoid all anxiety.. Every time I get anxiety in my life my lifestyle was out of balance for a period of time before anxiety hits.
-Diet is horrible (Fast food / processed foods / sugars / too much carbs)
-No exercise due to overworking
-Lack of sleep due to work
-A trigger like marijuana or stimulants like caffein/energy drinks / lots of sugar

So managing those things and taking care of yourself is key to preventing it. If you can't get over anxiety yourself.. Ide reccomend getting on medication for it shortly ... And the minute you start feeling better make exercise / healthy eating / sleep a priority. And when you get off the meds keep it up and you won't have to get back on them.

I did that and I was fine for 4 years until my lifestyle became out of balance. I'm currently trying to fight my anxiety naturally as I have thyroid issues.

After many things I saw about magnesium, I started on it 4 days ago. I can honestly say that these last 4 days have been the calmest days of my life! My anxiety is about 80% gone! Who knew magnesium would be such a big help!

03-29-2016, 09:15 AM
After many things I saw about magnesium, I started on it 4 days ago. I can honestly say that these last 4 days have been the calmest days of my life! My anxiety is about 80% gone! Who knew magnesium would be such a big help!

Glad to hear that. Stress depletes magnesium / B vitamins like crazy so when your under a lot of it physically / mentally it's a good idea to get extra vitamins in. I could tell you now if I stopped taking magnesium my chest pain would get 99% worse and I would have more painful heart palpitations. Anxiety is all about balancing your life out.

04-02-2016, 03:20 PM
Thank you as well. You mention high levels of Mg. Do you feel that you must cross over a threshold to see any difference? I take about 500mg a day (250mg in the morning and 250 at night), and it doesn't seem to have much of an effect. I am taking high quality chelated Mg. Perhaps I should try doubling the dosage. I'm also over 200lbs so I probably need more.

04-02-2016, 07:01 PM
Thank you as well. You mention high levels of Mg. Do you feel that you must cross over a threshold to see any difference? I take about 500mg a day (250mg in the morning and 250 at night), and it doesn't seem to have much of an effect. I am taking high quality chelated Mg. Perhaps I should try doubling the dosage. I'm also over 200lbs so I probably need more.

1000-1200Mg until you improve. And around 500mg for maintenance when you feel better for a couple weeks.