View Full Version : I think my mom has an Anxiety disorder and I need help talking to her about it

03-22-2016, 12:18 PM
I'm posting this because I am really concerned about my mom and I think she has some type of anxiety disorder and its completely taken over her life. This i s a long story so please bare with me.

My mom has always been kind of high strung and not handle stress well but I noticed it has gotten a lot worse over the last few years. About 2 years ago my brother was going through depression and some other mental health issues that were undiagnosed at the time and he was taking Vicodin to deal with it among other self destructive behavior, when I learned of what he was doing I told my mom thinking she could help deal with this situation but instead she got mad at me and said why did I tell her this, why were her kids always doing bad stuff (which is not true) and why can't she just be happy. At the time I didn't know what was going on with her and assumed she was being selfish and got really mad at her for her reaction.

Also my mom has Kidney failure, but its under control with medication. She started saying the something around the kidney failure was causing her to get dizzy so she completely stopped driving and quit her job. Me and my brother both started question if the dizziness was really related to her kidney issues so one day when she asked me to take her somewhere I made her drive, and she did fine and I asked if was she getting dizzy at all and she said no, and that she can drive fine if someone is in the car with her. That set off something in me because if she can drive with me in the car then her issue is not kidney related. I told one of my friends about this and he said he mom experienced the same thing and it was due to anxiety and that is when I started doing research and realized my mom has a lot of the symptoms.

Now at this point my mom has almost completely given up her life, she is in her 50's only leaves the house if someone else takes her somewhere. She over reacts to the slightest things at Christmas time she lost it over Christmas shopping and over the weekend she saw a white van sitting on the street and she automatically assumed the van must be there because they driver is planning to rob one of the houses in the neighborhood so she took pictures of the van and its licence plat so she could inform the police. That really concerned me because it didn't seem like the actions of someone thinking straight.

I would really like some advice on how to get my mom to seek help, I tried talking to her before I started thinking it was anxiety just telling her she should think about seeing a therapist and she wrote off her behavior as symptoms of menopause. Right now I'm thinking of addressing the issue with my dad because I don't think he realizes what is going on with her and maybe if he did and he was the one to talk to her about it she my be more receptive.

03-23-2016, 12:52 AM
I think it's a good idea to share your concerns with your father.