View Full Version : Is this just my anxiety?

03-22-2016, 04:49 AM
I've suffered from anxiety for years now but I've never felt the need to get help for it until now. I constantly have to be worried about something but it always tends to be about my relationships even if everything is going fine my mind will look for something to worry about. I've been with my boyfriend for 8 months and I love him and we've planned our future together but I always had something to worry about with us he's so supportive with me though and he always gives me reassurance. Anyway quite recently he eased a worry I had and I felt calm with nothing on my mind but of course it didn't last long until my mind found something else to worry about and it was what if he doesn't really love me then thought what if I don't really love him? And because I paid so much attention to it because it worried me it's stuck in my mind since and because I've worried about it so much it's started making me think I actually don't which I know isn't true what's wrong with me? :(

03-22-2016, 03:23 PM
It is most likely anxiety. Anxiety makes things look so real when they aren't. One of the most distressing thing is thinking on the same thing every waking moment. Like its said 80% or something like that of the things we worry about never happens. I used to think I wouldn't live past a year and it felt so real to me then but here am I 4 years later still doing life. Hope you get better