View Full Version : Strange feeling.

09-26-2008, 10:34 PM
Every since I could remember I would have this nightmare that was basically just a feeling. It is very hard to explain because the nightmare has no real images in it, like a night terror I suppose. The best way for me to describe it is a horrible feeling of doom, maybe death? Sometimes it felt like I made a choice that I could not change and it resulted in the worst feeling ever.

Regardless of what the dream is, lately I am having this same horrible emotion while I am awake, but just for a split second. It is hard to put my finger on what it is but I am sure it is the same feeling from my reacurring nightmare.

It is almost like I am slowly surfacing this feeling, and part of my mind, that has been deep in my subconscious for such a long time.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?

09-27-2008, 09:07 AM
Hmmm...sorry I can't be much help here, but Im failing to see what you're experiencing as a dream or nightmare. It sounds more like you're having an anxiety attack or panic attack while you're sleeping. Someone else might be able to offer you more advice on that aspect. I'm sure you're not alone though...just wait and the helpful responses will come!!

09-30-2008, 11:56 PM
Yea, I was actually thinking that too. Its very reassuring hearing things from other people.

Anyone else got any clues?

10-02-2008, 05:11 PM
Sometimes when I'm crossing over from a conscious state to sleep I will suddenly experience what I can only describe as some sort of intense panic attack. Basically I feel like a bolt of electricity is shooting through my head and as I wake up in terror my arms and legs kick out and I gasp for air. I know this sounds bizarre but I actually feel like I'm on the verge of dying! For a second I'm utterly convinced my numbers up. I then experience a huge spike of adrenaline followed by a loud buzzing in my ears. My forehead is usually covered in sweat and for a few seconds my heart feels like its pounding beyond anything I've ever experienced. It settles fairly quickly and I'm left feeling a bit confused and drained. After about 15 minutes I usually fall asleep again. This happens on average about once week and it doesn’t half freak me out when it does!

10-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Whoa, that really sucks guys, I haven't experienced that at all but sometimes my body is so anxious that I cannot fall a sleep for hours. Try eating a banana before you go to sleep or try some relaxation techniques or even a warm bath (if you can) to see if that helps. A lot of the times I have a cup of warm milk and that helps me fall asleep I am not sure if that can relax your bodies as you fall asleep but I would talk to a counselor to see if they have a better opinion as to what you can do. I hope you guys feel better soon. :)

10-03-2008, 09:18 AM
I used to get something very similar to this when i was a kid and get it even now when i'm particularly tired. It is accompanied by an image sometimes; sometimes its really fine sand and then it gets disturbed by this huge messy mass of metal, its really tough to explain...i think it has something to do with order and chaos - i used to get it when i went sleep walking as a kid, it was plain odd. The feeling is really strong, its a real panicky feeling, a feeling of impending doom and more than that at the same time...i simply cant put it into words. I can sometimes feel it coming on just as i'm falling asleep...its different to anxiety but somehow the same. Don't know if this helps or whether its even what you're talking about?

10-05-2008, 07:02 PM
To be honest, evilbob, that is probably almost exactly the same kinda thing I have...really unexplainable. Different from anxiety, but kind of the same in a way. It isn't really like a debilitating problem, more like this uncomfortable thing that happens to me.

10-14-2008, 06:01 AM
I think I kno what you mean....Like a dark sinking feeling like something bad has set a foot..I believe it to be fear setting in that something is on your mind an you are afraid of it or afraid something bad is going to happen I have had feelings like that when I first start to fall asleep an continue while Im awake.....I havent had one for some time but thats what beieve it to be now...Like an adrenaline rush of fear....