View Full Version : anxiety attacks and eating

Avia Juliet
03-22-2016, 01:02 AM
So, I found out a few months ago that I have a gluten intolerance. I live with my parents (who both eat gluten) and it has been very difficult to not get sick. They don't know much about cross contamination, and I've gotten sick several times because of it.. Since going gluten free I am now very anxious about food. I used to LOVE baking, but now it just stresses me out. There's so many things that I can't eat and if I accidentally eat even the smallest amount of gluten, I get sick.

About a month ago I got 'glutened' pretty badly and am still recovering from it. For the first week I was so anxious that I could barely eat or sleep and was having multiple anxiety attacks a day. After that first week the anxiety was a lot better, and has gradually been getting better but I still have a hard time with food. Over the past month I've noticed that I now get very anxious from like 6-9pm. And there's been multiple times in the past month where I've had an anxiety attack after eating dinner. So I generally try to avoid eating dinner now.. At least not at that time. If I eat at 10 or 11 I'm fine, but if I eat when it's actually time to eat dinner then my stomach feels weird and I'm anxious all night. I also have a difficult time eating throughout the day, though I can usually eat at least a little something. I really kind of hate eating. It's just stressful now. I've lost almost 15lbs in the past month (and another 25lbs in the few months before that from eating less. turns out gluten is in A LOT OF THINGS) just from barely eating.

I'm so frustrated.. the past month has been hell and I just want to feel like myself again. How can I start eating more..? Help!