View Full Version : Sudden dizziness

03-21-2016, 10:28 AM
When my anxiety first started, I knew it was coming on because I would feel this weird sudden dizzy, spinning sensation in my head. Then right after that, it was this flushing all through my body. It was awful for about 3 weeks. Flushing, trembling, worry, weird feelings. Anyone else have this? The trembling is what drives me insane. It comes and goes. I'm on Lexapro 30mg once a day. It helps and I do have valium that I can take when needed but I try to stay away from taking to much of that. I'm slowing learning to control all of it but like I said, the trembling and sudden weird feeling is something I absolutely hate!


03-21-2016, 01:16 PM
Yep. When my anxiety first manifested itself it was dizziness that was one of the first physical symptoms I suffered. Mine would be a sudden feeling of light headedness similar to when you get up to fast. Most times the sensation only lasted say 3-5 seconds but they could and often did reoccur every 30-60 seconds lasting with these periods lasting for anything from a few minutes to a few days. Now I understand my anxiety better thankfully I no longer get these dizzy spells. I never had the trembling you experienced but I wonder if in your case this is an Adrenalin rush due to your fight or flight response kicking in. I've had a few Adrenalin rushes which produce a trembling feeling in me but I don't have them often thankfully.

03-23-2016, 10:39 AM
You have all the symptoms I have except I do not have the trembling. Hopefully your medicine keeps your anxiety in check. Not fun stuff