View Full Version : flu like feelings

09-26-2008, 02:52 PM
Hi all

I just want to know if anyone else has constant mild flu type symptoms? Some days I ache all over and feel like I am going to fall over. I am losing weight and am constantly worried that I have a serious illness. I take seroxat and have done for 9 years but am going through a rough patch at the moment and just need reassurance that it is not fatal, just anxiety.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

09-26-2008, 03:13 PM
If you're on medicine that means you've seen a doctor. If you've been on the medicine for 9 years that means you have a condition. What did the doctor say your condition was? To ALWAYS have mild flu like symptoms is not normal. However, it is possible that you're misinterpreting and exaggerating certain feelings and tricking your mind into thinking that you're coming down with the flu, or that you have a mild form of the flu. Don't take that as an attack, I'm not saying you're a liar at all, but it IS possible that could be the case. Happens to people all the time. Also, I dont want to ask questions that are too personal since it appears your'e a female (miss crooks), but your age would also help us answer your question. That would open up possibilies as far as the pain being normal goes.

If your doctor knows about it and hasn't told you that it's fatal, then you'll be just fine. You'll make it over the rough patch. I don't know what part of the world you're from, but it IS changing seasons slowly and I've noticed in my area that it's getting darker earlier. These are all things that can potentially make you feel worse mentally. Hang in there though, you're not dying. More information would definitely help the post though. You'll find that there are a LOT of people on these boards willing to help people who suffer from the same disorder or disease, and none of us judge each other. Also, I see this is your 2nd post...welcome to the boards :)

09-26-2008, 03:19 PM
thanks so much for answering

yes i am female, 44 and i live in Spain. I have had a lot of stress in my life lately so maybe tbis is the cause??

09-26-2008, 05:05 PM
No problem answering your question...I hope it helped a little :) Thank YOU for posting a little more background information on yourself.

Having more stress than normal in your life is most definitely a possibility in contributing to your symptoms. I don't know what's causing your extra stress (family issues, financial troubles, death of a loved one, etc.) but if it's something out of the ordinary, it's most likely due to the extra stress you've been experiencing.

It's also possible that you're starting to go through the early phases of menopause. I know you're on the younger side, but it's most definitely possible to go through menopause at 44. And since menopause affects your hormones so drastically, that means it can also affect your mood and anxiety DRASTICALLY!!!

I don't want to give you a panic attack by suggesting this next thing, but it's possible (though highly unlikely) that your physical pain is the result of your age and POSSIBLY early signs of arthritis...something that nearly every human will go through in life it seems. However, don't worry about that for now because it's unlikely, just throwing out another possibility. I don't know where your experiencing the pain at so saying it could be arthritis is really just a COMPLETE guess.

I'll include a list below that includes 35 symptoms of menopause. Read through them and see if they seem to fit. It's possible that it's not early menopause at ALL, but this site may help you determine if you should talk to your doctor about it or not. It won't hurt to talk to your doctor regardless, if you haven't already.


I'll also include a link that includes some early signs of arthritis just for shits and giggles :)

http://arthritis.about.com/od/arthritis ... mptoms.htm (http://arthritis.about.com/od/arthritissignssymptoms/a/early_symptoms.htm)

Keep us updated on your progress and do yourself a favor...TRY to relax :)

09-26-2008, 05:21 PM
Hello! :)
Have you consulted your doctor about your symptoms. It may be to do with anxiety but have it ruled out by a doctor that it is not anything else.Weight loss needs investigating. I wouldnt ever self diagnose or rely totally on peoples advice online (however well meaning we aim to be) about your health. Ok you are 44 and could be approaching the menopause and going through Perimenopause which causes a lot of aching joints, anxiety, mood swings and other symptoms. Perimenopause can last for up to ten years before going 1 full year without a period which is when the menopause is classed as having begun. It may be all to do with your anxiety or depression which is what I am presuming you are taking Seroxat for? I know by having anxiety that some days I feel absolutely terrible. My joints ache, I have no energy, and generally I feel terrible - like having the flu! All the stress you are experiencing could be causing you to feel so bad but I would get a diagnosis off your doctor firstly tho before assuming it is anxiety or anything hormonal.