View Full Version : someone pls put my mind at rest

09-26-2008, 01:04 PM
My breathing issue, i have started it again!!!! I have been for blood tests , X rays, been put on Busprione, and Diazapam. Been to emergancy room twice this week.
Today i was constantly deep breathing, took a 2mg diazapam, it didnt help.

I just have this feeling like between my ribs, something stuck there and i need to inhale deep and cant all the time, only sometimes, is this anxiety again??????????????

I am just packing for my holiday to Ibiza, I have been watching the weather there it is raining, so i am pretty fed up bout that, and also worried i will have attacks while out there.... OMG

09-26-2008, 02:18 PM
If this is the same feeling that you had before and it was anxiety before, and you're having the same feelings again, it's just anxiety again. I don't know why the hospital insisted on performing all those tests on you again if you were already there earlier in the week. Did they not perform the tests when you were there earlier in the week??

Just because you're on medicine doesn't cure you from your anxiety flaring up again, it just helps prevent it from flaring up again as often. If it's not doing a good job of that, then you need to see a new doctor who better understands your symptoms and can prescribe you a better medication, or get yourself a psychiatrist. If you have insurance I'd see a psychiatrist because they specialize in matters of the mind...mental illness which is MUCH harder to diagnose then physical illness which you can actually see. Buspar is for mild anxiety, and diazepam is a quick fix, but for people with chronic panic attacks 2 mg might not be enough. Talk to your doctor and have your dose adjusted. If you're taking them as needed as opossed to daily, he may not have a problem prescribing you a higher dosage. I personally found Clonazepam to work much better for me than Diazepam, so it may be worth your while to switch up your meds a little bit.

I'm sorry if I sound impatient, but you NEED to do some work on your own here. We're more than willing to help you through hard times. But you have to start learning what types of things trigger these attacks in you. If that doesn't do any good then you need to learn ways to cope with it when it happens. It obviously has hapenned before so don't freak out as bad. Just tell yourself that what your experiencing is part of your anxiety and it will go away soon enough and that nothing bad can happen to you. You do NOT need to take deeper breaths. Read the link below to help you get back on a regular breathing pattern when these attacks occur.

http://www.mothernature.com/library/boo ... /47/78.cfm (http://www.mothernature.com/library/bookshelf/books/47/78.cfm)

Your stress may be caused by going to Ibiza. I dont know where that's at, but with all the stress you're under, it may be a better idea to stay home and tend to your health needs first - see a psychiatrist or proper doctor. The last thing you want is a panic attack on a plane!! The more you worry about having attacks, the more likely it is that you will have them. Try focusing on enjoying each day more. I hope that info helped some. Do yourself a favor...have fun when you're on holiday!!! Take a time out, and leave the stress back in your hometown for the week.

09-26-2008, 04:19 PM
I am sorry to hear about your breathing. If there is no other cause and it is definitely caused by anxiety,which it sounds like it is, then apart from medication, you need to do some self help - concentrate on your relaxation techniques/breathing/positive thoughts. Dont do too much deep breathing tho - make sure you are following the proper breathing methods for anxiety. Tell yourself ok I may have a panic attack in Ibiza and if I do then I will get thro it just like I do when home. Tell yourself also that you may NOT have a panic attack.You may be fine and have a great relaxing time. Maybe your anxiety is worse due to you preparing to go away on holiday? I always find myself getting anxious before I go away. Dont avoid going away on holiday as then you are just avoiding going for fear of how you may feel. If you start doing the avoidance thing due to how you feel, you will start doing that with other situations and it wont get any easier for you. I found when I was taking Diazepam 5mg that still sometimes I wld get really 'edgy' and it aggravated my panic attacks rather than helping them!. The Diazepam wore off very quickly therefore I needed a higher dosage and gps in the UK are reluctant to prescribe Diazepam at increasingly higher dosages, and also wont keep you on for it very long due to how addictive it is. My gp told me he would not prescribe it for me for any longer than 1 month and and I had severe anxiety at that time too. Diazepam also caused me a severe depression. I came off the Diazepam and a week later the depression had gone. Until taking Diazepam I had never been depressed in my life and have not been since. I will never go near that medication again due to how it made me feel. Could you maybe ask your gp for other medication? I know it is easier said than done but keep yourself as relaxed as possible. Do you have any relaxation tapes? i find they help as well as listening to relaxing music. Keep yourself as occupied as possible and just go with the flow of how you are feeling and dont fight it. You breathe fine when you are asleep I presume so you can breathe fine too during the day. It is just cos you are anxious and then worrying about your breathing and then your breathing feels restricted it is a vicious circle and it can be broken. Even tho the weather may not be great in Ibiza I am sure you can still enjoy it as there is plenty to do there. You may get a rainy day and then the next may be hot and sunny. Tell yourself that whilst you are on holiday you are going to use it as the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself and give yourself a break whether it is raining or not. I hope you have a lovely relaxed time. Ibiza is a beautiful island and the perfect place in a lot of ways for relaxtion. Enjoy it.