View Full Version : I am new to this site. ANXIETY is getting me down.

09-26-2008, 03:57 AM
Ihave had anxiety for about 2 years now its driving me mad it all started a little after my first child and then i had my second and its just got worse it makes my heart beat quick and i get short of breath and i fill like im going to die no one understands so i try to hide it i fill like people think im mad. Dose anyone else fill like this?

09-26-2008, 04:11 AM
Welcome to these boards Sarah. If you feel like nobody understands how you feel then you've come to the right place. I guarantee you that just about everybody here knows EXACTLY what you're talking about. Not everyone experiences anxiety in the same way, but there are MANY common links and threads. Stick around on these boards and I guarantee you'll begin to feel better just by knowing that others feel the same way as you. You'll realize very quickly that you're not insane. I suggest you read some of the other posts in the General Discussion forum as they're a GREAT starting place for you to read other people's experiences...the problems they encounter with their anxiety and how they try to cope (successfully or unsuccessfully) with it. You'll find that what works for some people may not work for you and what DOESN'T work for others may work wonders for you. I would offer you more advice but it's VERY early in the morning here and I haven't gotten to bed yet so I'd rather write when my mind's refreshed and more clear. But in any case, welcome to these boards. I guarantee you only good things will come from being here. Everyone here is very helpful.

Feel free to post as many specific details as you can about how you feel, how you attempt to deal with your anxiety, family issues, medications you're on or were on in the past, therapy you've tried (relaxing CDs, reading books, etc), and other things that are relevent. The more information you post, and the more you are willing to share, the better everybody here will be able to help you. Welcome to the boards...I guarantee you'll find some answers that you're desperately seeking in life through other people on these boards like yourself who suffer anxiety.

09-29-2008, 12:42 PM
Hey sarah I'm new here too. I have the same troubles. I just can't focus on anything, and then I just want to stop. Not die nesescarily, but stop and never move again. :|

09-30-2008, 02:16 PM
I totally get how you feel no one understands, everyone tells me to calm down and relax and its just not helpful, its nice that they care, but its just not that easy!