View Full Version : Everytime I am at Work

03-15-2016, 09:54 AM
So I got triggered at work with anxiety and panic a few months ago. I get this really weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I will feel fine in the morning then about 9 or 10 O'clock the symptoms will come on again. It will usually last all afternoon, and then when I get home and take my second dose of medicine I feel pretty good, plus on work out nights, I ride bicycle and that really helps. I just want to disarm the trigger. Any suggestions ?

03-15-2016, 03:51 PM
It sounds like for some reason work is now anchored to anxiety / panic. Did you have a panic attack while at work? If so, the primitive part of your brain will now associate the setting where you had the panic attack with great danger. (I don't say that to single you out - it happens to most of us). I had a panic attack a few months ago wile driving over a bridge. Traffic stopped on the bridge and I panicked (it is a fairly long and high). Ever since then I went to great lengths to avoid driving over bridges of a certain length and height. Then this past weekend, I had no choice. It all went well. What I have come to find is that avoidance is terrible for panic / anxiety. It gives the issue so much more power over you. I feel liberated now and angry that I left panic / anxiety steal something from me. I have come to believe that avoidance is one of the worst things you can do. Having said that, yours lasts a long time, so it sounds like it may be more generalized anxiety, or specific to the job. Do you like your job and coworkers? That may be the source of your stress.

The Intolerable Kid
03-16-2016, 10:00 AM
My major attack usually comes the night before, especially Sunday nights. Based on the timeline you describe, you may want to rule out things like low blood sugar or too much caffeine. Taking a brief break in the morning might also help (the place I work at offers a 9am break but I rarely take advantage of it.)

03-17-2016, 12:43 PM
What's your job?