View Full Version : Feeling of withdrawing into myself when stressed, what is it?

03-15-2016, 06:13 AM

Just as a starter, I have social anxiety, and I am taking 15mg Cipralex every day.

But regularily I'm doing very well, I just want to know if anybody knows if there is a term that describes this phenomenon.

When I get stressed, I am unable to fucus my eyes, I withdraw into myself. In a sense, my conciousness is "turned inwards", like a turtle withdrawing its head. I kinda shut down. I have to use some strength to be able to focus my eyes and look at stuff, I become almost frozen. I assume it is some defense mechanism.

It's very annoying, because of course it's very unhelpful when I am trying to study, work in groups, or perform at work.

Hope you guys are feeling alright, and that maybe somebody can tell me what's up.