View Full Version : Have you experienced online counselling?

09-26-2008, 02:10 AM

I am a student at London Metropolitan University who is researching online therapy/online counselling. I am doing this by interviewing people online using a synchronous connection (like instant messenger) about their online therapeutic experiences. I hope that through this site I will be able to meet people who have experienced online therapy and who are keen to share their experiences of this so that others might eventually benefit from this. The research aims to understand the online therapeutic experience in more detail. If you would like to know more about this, please let me know and feel free to PM me. I have a web site which discusses this in far more detail and I can send the link of this on to anyone interested. I am more than happy to answer questions and emails about this. Sorry if you have already seen this post elsewhere and it does not apply to you. In order to recruit for the study, I need to post in multiple web sites. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


09-28-2008, 11:40 AM
Actual online therapy would be a great idea. A lot of people wouldn't want to see a therapist face to face, but being able to chat to an expert about your problems anonomously online would be much easier :). Maybe through the use of some one to one chat programme. Thats one of the good things about online forums and the such. You can talk about your feelings and air your views without worrying about being labelled or stigmatised by the people you know. Just a thought.