View Full Version : New to this but not to anxiety

09-26-2008, 01:27 AM
Hi all

I am writing on a site like this for the first time as i really need to know that I am not dying or going mad. i a really suffering at the moment, feeling ill and sick all the time, not sleeping, shaking, headaches and i am so worried that i have a serious disease. I know deep down that its just anxiety but i need reassurance - please can anyone help?

09-26-2008, 04:50 AM
hello miss
i've too joined this site very recently.and i've got a gr8 answer for my problem from this nice person "carla".i've also been through alot of anxiety oflately but now i've learned that all the physical symptoms that occur during this time are purely due to anxiety.
it is our mind that is causing all this chaos.dont let a microgram of some chemical substance in your brain take over your life.please see a doctor to get out of your anxiety right now.i'm also working on it,i mean my problem with anxiety.
please keep your self busy with some hobby and exercising is a great idea.you wont even think of your problem after a gr8 workout.hope this helps.

09-28-2008, 02:43 PM
Hi Miss
I have just joined, I have had very bad anxiety in all its shapes, I have recovered 90% now, so I would just like to say I know how you feel and I also know that recovery is possible, I'm living proof, it was hard work and mainly about unravelling the mystery of anxiety, when you can do this anxiety is reduced because you lose your fear of it, no fear no anxiety.